Back To Normal? (Edited)

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Liam's POV

"What a thrill!" I laugh dashing off the stage my heart racing a million miles an hour from the thrill of being back on stage. I felt SO good! Even after three weeks of the tours I still can't get the thrill out of my system. I am back!

"I hope you being this thrilled about being back on stage never goes away it's quite amusing!" Harry laughs swing an arm around my shoulder.

I roll my eyes at him and hit his shoulder playfully.

We pile into the car together talking happily. Everything is better, everything was fine. At least that's what I convinced myself of. In actuality the boys hovered always checking to make sure I am OK, There were days I would actually call my mom or dad only to remember they are no longer there. I would leave texts, and voice mails for Nicole and Ruth but they never replied. It hurt...a lot.

We pile out of the car joining the waiting fans out in front of the hotel.

"5 minutes," Paul warns letting us head over to the screaming fans.

"How are you, love?" I ask smiling at the first fan I approached taking the pen and signing her shirt.

"I'm great! How are you? I'm so sorry about your parents," she says smiling at me as she quickly snaps a picture.

"I'm good and thank you," I smile heading onto the next fan. I continue signing and taking photos with fans until one fan in particular went a little too far.

"LIAM! LIAM!" she screams at me even after I had signed her book and taken a photo with her. She grabs my arm pulling on it hard.

"You have to let go, love," I try to unclasp her hands but she digs her nails in.

"NO! YOUR'E MINE!" she screams. Paul suddenly appears beside me and unclasps the girls hand pushing me back from her and protectively behind him. This sends the girl into a complete flip out. She starts screaming and tries to launch herself across the barricade sending more fans into a frenzy. Some screaming at the girl to stop others trying to help her push past the barricade and security.

"Boys! INSIDE NOW!" Paul yells at us as the barricade gives out and fans come running at us. We take off running towards the doors where staff already holds the doors open for us.

We run into the lobby and to the elevator where we all collapse onto the floor gasping for air.

"Is everybody ok?" I ask leaning against the elevator walls clutching my aching side. 

"What the bloody hell was that?" Louis asks breathing hard.

"Some girl apparently decided she was going to keep Liam and went nuts sending the rest of the group into a frenzy," Harry replies leaning against the wall.

"Li, your bleeding," Zayn says looking at my abdomenn.

Startled I look down to see that my white shirt was stained red with blood that was leaking through from the surgical wound.

I lift my shirt up examening the wound where somebody had clearly taken their nails and raked them down my side. There were claw marks and the wound that was almost healed was ripped open again.

"It doesn't look that bad. Just needs a bandage and to be cleaned up properly," Louis comments lifting my shirt up some more to see the wound better.

The elevator stops and we step out together with Louis dragging me into the room we shared and ordering me to sit on the bed and take my shirt off. He comes back bandages and a wet cloth in hand. He kneels down beside me carefully cleaning the wound making me wince and wimper.

"Shut up you pussy," he laughs carefully cleaning away the blood and puts pressure on the wound with the bandage cloth which he carefully tapes into place with surgical tape.

I lay down on the bed just as Paul walks in.

"Are you all ok?" he asks taking us in and stopping when he notices me. "What happened?"

"One of the girls clawed him right where the stiches are. He's ok though it wasn't bad enough for the stiches to be replaced," Louis assures him.

"Would you stop worrying me," he snaps rolling his eyes gently squeezing my arm, "Alright stay here tonight boys. The cops are outside calming the girls down so stay put," Paul leaves again leaving us behind.

I lay back feeling drained from the adrenaline rush and I let my eyes drift shut.

Niall's POV

Liam quickly passed out shortly after arriving back at the hotel.

"Dork," Harry laughs going over and pulling Liam's dress pants off throwing them onto the floor. I go over pulling the covers back and helping him settle a sleeping Liam into the blankets before tucking him in.

From there we all slip into are pjs or in some cases just take off their clothes. I slide into the bed with Liam curling up close to him.

 Zayn's POv

"Boys get up! We have a signing in 30 minutes!" Paul yells shaking me awake.

I groan wanting to throw my pillow at him. With a sigh I get up though heading off to the bathroom to get dressed.

Opening the door I find Liam leaning agaisnt the counter massaging his head, visbaly in pain.

"You alright?" I ask all tiredness replaced quickly with conern.

"Just a really bad headache," he grumbles tears in his eyes.

"Take some Advil," I offer grabbing the pill bottle and handing him some. He obeys downing them quickly. He steps back from the counter only to stumble backwards.

I grab him quickly pulling him close to me so he doesn't fall backwards and hit the floor.

"I-I need to lie down." he grumbles leaning into me for support. I help him over to the bed where he lies down pulling the blankets close to him. "I'll be ok in a few minutes," he whispers falling asleep again.

"Why isn't Liam up?" Harry asks worridly looking at him.

"He's got a bad headache. I think he's getting sick," I reply gently running my fingers through his short brown hair soothingly.

"I'll get Paul," Niall says solemly before heading out the door and down the hall.

Please not again.

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