Somebody Must Pay

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Liam's POV

Already I have been here for two weeks. I have had blood drawn, multiple other tests done, different medications that they give me through an IV so it's effects appear more quickly and some actually getting me sick or others they quit because they are not doing what they had hoped. It's now become a tiring processs. By the end of each day all I want to do  sleep, exhausted from the blood work, and the effects of the medication. The virus is now mostly out of my body but I still feel just drained from it. Dr. Salivon says that is to be expected. Still they do not have a medication that will most defintly work and I am starting to lose hope that they will.

I lay on my side, already tired and it is only noon. 

"Liam, Dr. Marks says they want some blood again, to check to see how the new meication is doing," Hary says his hand on my shoulder.

I don't reply I just roll onto my back and offer my arm to Dr. Marks, now so use to it, it doesn't bother me. Sitting near my bed is Louis and his glare at Dr. Marks makes me want to laugh. Louis has made it very clear in the first two days of my stay here that he does not like Dr. Marks. He says she is rude, treats me like a guinie pig, and is out to get me. I don't blame him, she actually scares me. She is the doctor that always draws my blood, and sometimes I think she purposly misses the vein so she can just poke me again, I mean she does this every other day now and she still can't get it right? When the three doctors that are handeling my case, Dr. Salvion, Dr. Marks, and Dr.Cameron, were explaining to me how they wanted me to start a experimental medication but listed the cons of it, more seeming really bad, like chances of some cancers and kidney damaged, I had heard enough and told them no. Dr. Marks looked like she was going to shove it in my IV anyway and laugh if it kills me. This doctor is freakin scary.

I wince when she misses my vein by at least an inch, when I turn to look at her she just smiles before jabbing me again. This time thankfully finding the vein. Once she has the blood she bandages it up and gives us all an evil smile before leaving. 

"I hate her, I don't even like leaving you alone with her. She' s probably not taking your blood for test, she's probably taking it to her office to drink. When they finally let you out of here, she'll probably drag you down to the basement here, lock you away and do some kind of freaky experiments or maybe she'll kill you in your sleep," Louis says his eyes till narrowed at the closed door.

"You, my friend, are paranoided," Harry laughs shaking his head at Louis' ridiculous theories."But I do actually agree, she is a bitch."

"Tell me about it, you two are not the ones over here getting stabbed by her everyday," I grumble pulling my arm close to my chest, the veins hurting from having being poked so many times in the past two weeks.

"Don't worry if you suddenly disapear or die here I'll hunt her ass down for you," Louis replies shooting me a grin. 

"Thanks, when are Zayn and Niall getting back? I want something other than hospital food," I grumble also wanting them to get here so I can eat and then just go to sleep.

"Liam, they left ten minutes ago," Harry reminds me making me groan. The hospital food here isn't the worse hospital food in the world, but it defintly isn't the best. It's healthy and has absolutly no grease. I just want a greasy cheesburger and some salty fries. I had actually mentioned it to Dr. Salvion and he said go for it, he said sometimes that junk food is just what you need. At that moment I knew I really liked him.

When Zayn and Niall finally come back, something is visibly wrong. Neither are smiling, and both seem grim. My heart sinks. What could possibly go wrong now? 

"What happened?" Harry asks as Zayn and Niall sit down and start handing out the food they had brought.

"We'll tell you after you eat, you may not want to eat after we tell you," Niall replies already picking at his fries not seeming really interested in it though. We all eat in silence that burger that had once sounded so good not tasting as great as I had orgianlly hoped. 

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