Going Nowhere (Edited)

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I again just want to say thank you to anybody and everybody that has shown support and read this far into the story! You guys truly have no idea how much it means to many!

Louis's POV

As soon as we are all safely in the car on our way to the interview I am bombarded with questions.

I stay quiet for a second trying to get my renewed anger under control. They have really gone too far this time.

"We've been served a court order," I finally say making them all go quiet.

"What? What for?" Harry asks being the first to get his voice back.

"They have decided to fight us on keeping Liam in the band. Their argument is that he is unwell and incapable of taking care of himself. If they win it would be like he's 17 again, they'll have control over his financials, if he leaves the UK and most importantly will be able to have the right to shred his contract with Simon and take him away from us. Which we all know if they succeed they will never let us see him again," I reply trying to keep my emotions in check.

"I'm going to kill them," Zayn snaps his fist clenched and jaw set, anger burning in his normally calm eyes.

"We'll get good lawyers; we can afford way better ones than what they can. There is no way they could win. Plus how are they going to convince a judge that he is incapable of taking care of himself because of some immune system disorder? There is no way this can hold up in court," Harry argues anger and determination in his eyes.

"They could argue that the loss of their parents pushed him over the edge and that hanging around with friends that party will only do him more harm, I bet them bitches would even try to get restraining orders against us!" I hiss back my anger now boiling.

"There is no in hell this can hold up!  No way! It's not possible! Unless they can prove he is totally and utterly incapable no court would let this happen," Niall hisses back.

"I don't think they will act on it because you're right it won't hold up in court and any sane lawyer would tell them they're nuts. I bet they know it too. In my opinion this is more of a threat towards you and management. Saying that they will not give up and will do anything to make sure Liam is out of the band. Any judge would see the case and laugh throwing it off the desk. The only way they probably even got this far is with bribery. They probably sold the house Liam recently bought his parents and used the money to bribe a judge," Paul speaks up from the front seat anger in his voice as well.

"Well if that is what they are trying to do, we're not giving up either, but my question is how the hell do they think they'll get Liam to quit?" I ask a new sense of determination filling me.

"Through Liam, if they can convince him that staying with the band is a bad idea or that the fans hate him or that you guys will abandon him then Liam probably will drop out just because he is vulnerable and uncertain of himself. Right now he's insecure, hurt and vulnerable and his sisters will use that against him and us," Paul continues.

"He knows though that we wouldn't leave him though. I mean come on he has to know we care," Niall says frantically tears running down his cheeks.

"I don't know, I mean we all know what  he was like before. Liam had very little friends and he got teased for having some of the problems that he had and what is happening now has to remind him of that..." Harry says in almost a hushed whisper.

"They wouldn't bring that up and hurt him with it, would they? I mean come on they're his sisters and they have to know how much that hurts him," Zayn argues uncertainty in his voice.

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