Don't Leave Me

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Harry's POV

Nobody moves or utters a sound. The three of us all sitting in shock. 

I close my eyes as the tears run down my cheeks, straining my ears listening for any sound from Zayn or the intruder or even better the police.

Silence is on the other side of the door.

I get to my feet shaking. I toss the pan aside doubting I'm going to need it and if I do, I suppose it's a risk I'll take. 

"Stay here," I hiss at Niall and Liam meeting both of their fearful eyes before grabbing the bedroom door knob clicking the lock out of place and turning the knob to slide out the door. The hallway that was once pitch black is now filled with rays of light from the flashing red and blue and headlights outside. I slide my hand along the wall searching for the light switch, terriffied of what I might see. 

Finally I find it and fill the hallway with light. I can see two forms at the end of the hall, lying still. Tears falling down my cheeks I move forward feeling as though I may be sick. 

As I near I see the red that covers the floor in a puddle near one of the bodies, I cover my mouth smoothering the sobs that threaten to spill. Please don't let all that blood be from him.

I step closer till their faces are in my sight. Ruth lays on her side gun in hand uncouncious, her chest steadily rising and falling assuring me she is stil alive, but the red in her hairline tells me she took a pretty bad blow to the head. 

Lying just feet away from her is Zayn. His skin is ashen and eyes wide as he stares up at the ceiling, his hand on the gunshot wound in his abdomen, the blood staining the floor and his shirt. I take a deep breath and sink beside him moving his hand aside as I push my own fingers into the wound, trying to cease the heavy bleeding. His breathing is labored and his eyes are on me, full of fear. 

"H-Hold on. Help is here, they're going to take you to the hospital and e-everything is going to be okay," I tell him trying to assure him even though I have my hands on his stomach trying to keep as much of his blood in his body and we both our terriffied. 

I hear the front door open and look up to see police officers entering.

"Over here! Please call an ambulance!" I yell at them frantic as I see Zayn's eyes drift shut.

Louis' POV

I get out of the car hurrying up to the house ignoring the officer that calls after me, for I do not care. I need to make sure they are all okay. I hurry into the doorway and find the lights are all on, poilce are everywhere but it is the curly haired figuare that is kneeling on the floor that catches my attention. 

I hurry over to Harry tears in my eyes as I take in the blood that soaks the floor and the bodies that lay on the floor, both unconcious or possibly dead.

"L-Louis! G-Get Li out of here. H-He's in the bedroom with Niall. P-Please he doesn't need to see this," Harry pleas his green eyes so full of fear that it takes my breath away, never have I seen him so scared. 

"Z-Zayn?" I ask motioning to I hope our only uncouncious friend.

"Alive, for now. J-Just get Liam," Harry repeats. I nod stepping around the bodies and him, having to resist the urge to kick the hell out of Ruth. I hurry down the hallway, making my way to the closed bedroom door, the police not making it this far yet. 

I open the door to find Niall holding a throwing up, ashen, trembling Liam. Niall doesn't even care that Liam is throwing up, he just holds him tight tears running down his cheeks. The relief in Niall's eyes at seeing me almost makes me break right there.

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