Tough Love (Edited)

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Harry's POV

Rehersals for our upcomg tour began an hour ago...but Liam still isn't here. 

"He's still not answering his phone. This isn't like him," Niall tells us after calling Liam for the sixth time and still not getting an answer.

"I told you we shouldn't have let him go home alone," Louis repeats himself for the third time as he paces back and fourth.

"What if one of those crazy fans got to him? What if he got sick? What if he had a complete mental break down and killed himself?!" Niall panics his voice growing higher as he lists every worse case possible senerio that he can think of. Tears fill his eyes as he terrifies himself and the rest of us.

I grab my coat off of the stage and dig my car keys out of my pocket heading towards the door. 

"Where are you going?" Zayn asks raising an eyebrow at me questioningly even though he is only half paying attetion. Ever since we have been able to text again he has been nonstop texting Perrie.

"Going to find Liam. There is no sense in sitting here freaking ourselves out when we could just go to his house," I reply making it sound as though it's common sense, and really it kind of is.

"I'm coming too! If I don't I'm just going to be sitting here worrying myself sick," Niall adds eager to leave and find our missing friend.

"Good luck getting past secuirty. It's as hard getting out as it is getting in. There is no way they'll let any of you just slip out," Louis warns us.

"Distract them then," I hiss back just wanting to find Liam already.

Zayn suddenly gets up from where he had been lounging and tucks his cell phone in his pocket for the first time today. 

"Oh you're going with them as well?! Great I'll just hang back here and come up with a perfect excuse as to why half of are missing," Louis hisses at us sarcastically. 

"Thank you Louis. I knew we could count on you. We'll owe you one," I reply shooting him my best smile before slipping out the doors with Zayn and Niall right behind me. 

"We'll meet at Harry's car in five minutes. Niall you go through the north exit, I'll take west, Harry take east," Zayn orders hoping that if we all run in different directions then more than likely at least one of us will be able to sneak out and check on Liam. 

"What if Harry gets caught?" Niall asks the question that might be the only fault in our plan.

"I have a key to his car or we'll take one of ours," Zayn shrugs making me glare at him.

"How do you have a key to MY car?!" I hiss at him slightly pissed.

Before he can reply the fire alarm goes off, Louis' distraction. Simple but effective.

Zayn shoots me one sly grin before running towards the west exit using peoples' confusion and fear as his cover. I head east myself not bothering to see if Niall has left yet.

I hurry through the halls avoiding the ones I know secuirty are most likely be at and using the cover of people frantically trying to get to one of the exits as my cover. I get lucky and make it out the doors without drawing any attention to myself. 

I make it to my car without anybody noticing. Zayn is already sitting in the driver's seat on his phone.

"Who said you're driving?" I ask as I slide into the passenger seat slamming the door behind me.

"I got here first and I have a key," he replies shooting me a crooked grin. I roll my eyes grumbling under my breath.

Niall comes running up to the backseat door and flings himself into the backseats after a few minutes of angry/amused silence between me and Zayn.

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