Visitors (Edited)

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Liam's POV

I kneel down in front of the toilet emptying everything I ate yesterday from my stomach. Each gag is painful and makes me want to cry. Damn Harry and Zayn for being right. 

"I feel like it would be a little rude to tell you I told you so but I really want to," Zayn's voice comes from the doorway of the bathroom cockiness in his voice.

"Shut up..." I groan finally after five minutes of endless vomiting. 

"How are you feeling?" Zayn asks as I hear him turn the sink of.

"Shitty..." I respond letting my exhausted body slump back against the wall. Zayn crouches down beside me, using a cool washcloth to clean my face.

"I don't think you made yourself any more sick, I think you just pushed your body a little further than what it was ready for. You should have stuck to just toast and eggs at brunch and went to sleep earlier than you did. From now on, how about we take it in baby steps instead of just jumping in head first?" Zayn asks a smile in his voice as he turns back to the sink to wash the cloth.

"You couldn't have told me this earlier?" I ask.

"Harry and I did! You had to be stubborn and push yourself too far, so now you're paying the price," Zayn laughs at me. I just groan wishing my stomach would just settle down and that the pounding headache would disappear.

"Open your mouth, I want to make sure your little adventure yesterday didn't make your temp go up," he comes back down beside me and I obediently open my mouth letting the thermometer settle under my tongue. "Next time will you listen to our advice?" he asks pulling the thermometer out of my mouth a smile on his face.

"I don't know what I hate more right now, you and your joy of my pain or my actual pain," I respond letting my all to heavy head fall onto his shoulder and my eyes close.

"Good news it's still only a 100, also you can't be too mad at me, you are using me for a pillow. Also I'm not enjoying your pain, I'm just enjoying being right, there is a difference," he replies before getting back up and turning the water on again. 

"mmm" I pout at using my pillow. Making him just laugh. 

"Come on, dork. Let's get you back to bed. When you wake up later we'll see about trying to get you to actually eat something and keep it down."

I open my eyes blinking at his outstretched hand before finally taking it. He pulls me up making me stumble but he quickly steadies me. 

"There you two are, you scared me,"a slightly panicked Harry greets from the bathroom doorway.

"Would you take our stubborn friend back to bed so I can clean up a little in here?" Zayn asks as he already hands my weakened form over to Harry. I feel Harry's arms wrap around me and I welcome the warmth leaning into him. 

With Harry's help I stumble back out to the bedroom and fall down onto the bed that has become all too familiar. 

"Come on. You can't sleep like that, Li," Harry laughs at my probably awkward position on the bed. I let Harry and another set of hands move me back under the covers and pull them up to my chin.

"Here, Li, take this," Zayn says holding out a couple pills in his hand and a glass of water in the other. I accept the medication and chase them down with a gulp of water not even bothering with asking what they are. I fall back into the pillows and let sleep overtake me again.

Zayn's POV

"Yesterday really did kick his ass," Harry laughs lightly as I put a cool washcloth on Liam's forehead hoping it will help lower his temperature even further. 

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