Excuse Me? (Edited)

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Liam's POV

The lads and I wait for the signal to join the interviewer off to the side. My heart is racing a million miles an hour. I take a deep breath ignoring the sharp pain from my side.

Would they ask about my parents? Sophia?

Uncounciously I grab Niall's arm needing to know the boys are here, that they will be here to support me through this. Just don't let her be a cruel or mean I silently beg as the ON AIR light turns on and we head out all of us smiling and waving to the live audience.

"Welcome boys! How are you all today?" she asks a fake smile plastered on her face.

"We're all doing ok," Harry replies taking his usual spot as spokes person.

"Let's jump right intot the juicing stuff shall we? Liam I am sorry to hear about you parents! Must be awful now being only 20 and being an orphan. We have also have heard from an annoymus sorce that your sisters blame you and haven't called you since their death. Is this all true?" The interviewer asks almost bitterly a smirk on her face.

My heart sinks into my shoes. Is that why Ruth and Nicole haven't called? Do they really blame me?

"Liam's sisters are right now trying to prepare for two funerals and are grieving themselves. They have not had the chance to call yet," Louis quickly speaks up bitterness in his voice. This gets a glare from the interviewer but she continues.

"Alright then let's go to the topic of Sophia then. She cheated on you Liam and has admitted to using you for fame and fortune. How do you feel towards her now? Especially when she abandons you in your time of need," The interviewer's question sets me off guard Sophia has admitted to using me? My heart sinks even more.

"I'm just sorry I couldn't make her happy," I reply weakly blinking away tears furious with myself.

"Now for your health. You've been in the hospital for a week now and rumor has it it has to do with your kidney's. What is REALLY going on Liam?" she asks like she if expected me to tell her I was a drug addict or something.

"One of my kidney's has an infection and the other failed. I was taken into surgery and only have one kidney now but I'm healing fine."

"I've done my research,honey, they wouldn't have kept you for this long if there wasn't more to it."

"I'm sorry but I didn't hear a question there," Louis snaps at her clearly getting pissed.

"I have a rare immune system diease that has lowered my white blood cell count making it easier for me to get sick, they're just being cautious," I reply ignoring Louis's comment.

"I see, so boys do you think Liam's health is going to jeaporize the band. Any thoughts of just kicking him out?" she asks turning to the other lads like I don't exist any more.

"EXCUSE ME?!" Louis snaps clearly furious.

"What did you just say?" Harry asks.

"Fuck off," Zayn hisses.

Niall just grabs my arm squeezing it tightly.

"I'm going to make something clear and I want you to listen carefully. Liam is our brother. Meaning we will do anything for him. He has been there to hold us together and keep us in check. Without Liam there is no One Direction and you are an extremly rude bitch and this interview is over. Come on boys," Louis narrows his eyes at the interviewer daring her to say anything.I can't help but smile as Zayn gives me a hand up. These idiots really are my brothers and will be there for me no matter what. This knowledge lessens the pain in my heart and I smile for the first time in what seems like ages.

Louis's POV

I am beyond pissed. I could care less if management and the whole damn world are mad at me. I would be damned if some bitch was going to treat my Liam, my little brother like that.

On the way back to the hospital I keep a protective arm around Liam daring anybody to hurt him again and my narrowed blue eyes, I hoped, proved it.

"Are you ok Li?" Niall asks leaning his head onto Liam's shoulder.

"I'm fine. Thanks guys for standing up for me," Liam adds blushing a little.

"You're our brother and I'll be damned if somebody treats you like that," I reply pulling him closer.

"We're here," Harry grumbles looking out the window at the screaming fans.

"I'll get the door. You boys just get Liam in there ok," Paul orders before exiting the vechile and coming around to our side. I hope out first instructing Liam to hold onto the back of my shirt. Harry and Niall both flank Liam's sides each of them keeping an arm around them and Zayn takes up the back holding onto Liam's shoulder ready to grab him in case he falls.

We push through the crowd smiling and waving as we go till we reach the hospital doors.

Dr. Caine was waiting for us and takes Liam away to settle him into a room before we have the chance to even register what is going on.

"They're having security problems at the hospital because of the fans. They're putting Liam in a more secure room," Paul explains as we head to the cafeteria for some food.

"When are they just going to discharge him? It's diffciult for him and them for him to be here," Niall whines.

"I know. They hope to discharge him sometime this week," Paul promises.

Later that week

Liam's POV

"Alright Liam, take the medication daily and avoid anybody that is sick even if it is just the common cold. If you ever get a fever over 102 go to the ER no matter how you feel. Just play it safe and take care. The virus still isn't entirly out if your system so please just take it easy. Don't push yourself too far. You should see a doctor every 4 months to check on your kidney and to make sure the medication is still doing its job. Do what you want with that information for I know it is difficult for people with carrers like you to get annual doctor appointments. Take care Liam, you honestly will be one patient I won't forget," Dr. Caine smiles at me squeezing my shoulder.

"Thanks Doc for all you've done," I reply smiling at him genuly before heading out to where the boys waited for me anxiously by the elevator.

We head out together with Paul by our side pushing past screaming fans with smiles on our faces and waves.

I may be heading back to stay in a hotel and then a tour bus but it was freedom compared to the hospital that had transformed into my prison.

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