Won't Let Go

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Zayn's POV

You never get use to seeing somebody you care about in a hospital bed. I have now seen Liam in a hospital bed a half a dozen times, but it never gets easier. 

It is now the afternoon after the mobbing, the afternoon sun is shinning through the curtains of the hospital room giving it a warmth that only the sun could give a hospital room. I sit in the chair by Liam's bedside my eyes every once in awhile going to his face, looking for any signs that he may be stirring, but his eyelashes never do flutter. 

Niall woke up earlier this morning in immense pain, but awake. He has been able to eat and after some pain medication is up and chatting with anybody in sight. Harry woke up for about five minutes this morning before falling back into unconsciousness, he has been unresponsive sense and has Louis and his mum worried sick. 

I try not to take note of how we all have our mum's here or how family members and friends have been calling, and texting us all day asking how we are...everybody has this except Liam. Nobody has called any of us or texted any of us on our new phones, which all have the same numbers, asking about Liam. I have even gone and got Liam's new phone working hoping to see that he has a text or missed call, but he of course has none. His contacts have been transferred to his new phone, just like the rest of us, and he has plenty yet none of them even bother to see if he is okay. 

When I talked to my sisters, aunts, cousin and dad they have all asked about Liam and the others have told me that their family members have asked about all of us, including Liam, as well. But outside of our families nobody has asked. To say the least it is making me even more depressed and worried for my Liam. I can't imagine how alone he must feel on the darker days. He may have us and our families, but knowing that the people you grew up with and have known you for years can't even bother to text a simple 'how are you?' every once in awhile has to be like waking up and being stabbed in the heart everyday. I can't even imagine my family or friends ever doing that to me. 

"He's going to wake up, honey. Just give him time. He's a fighter, just stick by his side like always," my mum's hand on her shoulder makes me look up at her and meet her own tearful eyes as she looks over the battered body of Liam. Her eyes like mine, never can ignore the machine that is helping him breath, the heart monitor, and IV's for too long. The fact that he has not opened his eyes yet is only making things worse, it's like he's an angel in some eternal rest and that thought is not comforting. 

"Mum when Liam would call you what did you guys talk about?" I ask the fact that Liam has called my mum dozens of times over the past couple of months without my knowledge making me curious and slightly worried. I mean he knows he can talk to me right?

"When he would call me he would have tears in his voice and he would always apologize for bothering me. I of course assured him he was no bother to me and then ask him what is going through that head of his. Sometimes he would just tell me his missed his mum, other days he would break down and tell me that he feels like giving in or how he feeling like he is letting the fans down or sometimes even letting you down. I assure him the best I can, and he tells me that he hates how he is so dependent and how he feels he has lost a part of himself. He talks about his birth father, his theories on who he is, his knowledge that you boys know yet he does now. He talks about Sophie and Danielle, how he felt used. Some days he would just call me sobbing, and I would talk to him until he drifted to sleep. We would talk about you boys and how much he loves you guys for what you have done for him, but he mostly would talk about you. He would explain to me that you are his rock, that you have helped him through everything even days that he felt he was nasty or a failure. You wouldn't always comfort him, some days you gave him some tough love and he said he appreciates that for sometimes he needs the tough love to keep going. He told me he loves you and that he loves our family. He told me he doesn't call me because he feels like there is nobody to talk to, but because he feels like he can. He can call me knowing that I won't judge him and they'll treat him like another son. He actually told me he felt like a part of our family and he thanks me every time for that," my mum's words leave me a sobbing mess as I look at the sleeping boy in front of me, just wanting to hold him in my arms prove to him that he is my family. 

Together (Sick & Hurt Liam)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara