Bad Ideas

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Zayn's POV

"This is a bad idea," Niall warns for the third time today. His blue eyes locked on the mall in fear.

"We all need to get out, we have earned this. Nothing is going to go wrong, Niall. We have plenty of security, it's Monday meaning the mall is going to be nearly empty and it's probably just your claustrophobia talking," Harry reassures Niall, but I pay little attention for I am trying to reassure somebody else for different reasons.

"I don't know I'm starting to not feel so well, Zayn. Maybe I could just stay in the car...I mean what if my legs decide to give in from beneath? What if I throw up or get a bloody nose or pass out or have a dizzy spell or...." I cut Liam off by pulling him to my chest and covering his mouth with my hand.

"You're going to stop with this pessimistic bull shit, and think postive. You need to get back out there again. If we do it this way we can leave when ever, you're not going to have cameras on you, you won't be in front of a large amount of people, secuirty will be my your side and most importantly we will be by your side. I know you're scared, but if you don't push yourself a little you will be the only person standing in the way of your recovery. You're going to be fine, now when I remove my hand I want you to not say one more negative word, understood?" I ask Liam locking my eyes with his scared puppy dog eyes.

He nods and I let him go. He pulls away from me and turns away starring out the window as Paul finds a parking spot.

"I just have a bad feeling...." Niall whimpers from accross me. 

"I couldn't agree more," Liam mumbles from beside me as we come to a stop. I hit Liam roughly in the shoulder making him wince and look at me with wide eyes.

"I told you no more negative talk," I shurg as we slide out of the car and into the cool spring air. Liam gets out right behind me zipping his jacket up shivering. His brow is scrunched up in pain and his body sways. I grab his shoulders before he can fall to his knees. "Are you okay?" I ask leaning in close so are foreheads are almost touching. 

"Yeah, just a dizzy spell. It'll wear off, stay close to me though?" he asks hesitation in his voice and the fear in is brown eyes makes me only pull him closer protectively before kissing the top of his forehead before letting his shoulders go. I keep my arm wrapped around him letting his unsteady frame lean into me for support. This is the only answer he needs.

Louis and I meet eyes his eyes full of concern for Liam. All I can do is give him a nod, a silent promise that I will keep an eye on him. My and Louis' pact to keep our three youngest safe still staying strong even if they don't know it.

By the time we are at the mall entrace our secuirty of five, including Paul and Paddy, are right by our sides. Niall and Liam are towards the center in a protective barriar of bodies and Harry is walking by Louis' side happily chatting. 

We walk around stopping in a few stores, greeting the fans that we run into signing autographs and taking pictures with them, even being able to chat with them for awhile before moving on. 

By the time lunch has come and gone we are all feeling rather relaxed, the fears from earlier forgotten. At least for most of us.

Liam is slowing down, his eyes telling me he is starting to hurt, the tremlbing that is becoming visible scares me, he only seems to be getting paler, he ate very little of his meal at lunch and is becoming even more so quiet.

"He's not doing so well is he?" Louis whispers to me as Harry, Louis and I walk side by side Liam and Niall hanging back as Niall chats Liam up happily not even noticing that Liam contributes very little.

"I don't think so, he's starting to push himself a little too far. He's not going to say anything though, because he's Liam and he doesn't want to ruin other people's fun," I reply keeping my voice low so he can't over hear. 

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