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Louis' POV

"That bitch is not coming any where near him! If you dare let her even step a foot into this house I'll make sure your sorry ass is fired and I'll lock myself in that room with him until she is gone!" I snap at Paul from across the dinning room table throwing my fork down angrily. 

How could he go behind our backs and make a decision like this without our consent or even knowledge? Deciding who will be taking care of all of our health, especially Liam's, is something we all should have a word in, not just management.

"Louis, she has experience with Liam and is an immune system disorder specialist. She is more than willing to up root her life and help us out. We don't know when or if Dr. Salvion will be back and Liam needs to have a doctor on hand now. We have already waited almost two months," Paul argues putting his fork down.

"She's a psycho!" I snap.

"And a vampire!" Niall chirps in.

"Dr. Marks is not a psycho and is most defiantly not a vampire. Lads she treated Liam in New York with Dr. Salvion. I don't understand how you are willing to trust a man that is right now facing attempted murder charges with Liam's health, but not this kind woman. She is coming to the UK to help us out end of conversation."

"Like hell! She took way more blood from Liam then she needed, stabbed him with those damn needles multiple times smiling at him the entire time, was mad at him when he didn't want to take a dangerous experimental medication and even the other staff thought she was a bitch! She is not coming here! Now it's the end of conversation," I finish picking my fork back up after my little rampage and going back to eating my breakfast like normal.

"That's ridiculous! Zayn? Harry? What are your opinions? Louis seems to think she's a psycho bitch and Niall for whatever reason think she's a vampire. What do you think of her?" Paul asks totally blowing my words off as though they are some absurd dream or hallucination. 

"She was a little strange and I wouldn't leave her alone in a room with Liam or with any of his medication," Harry replies with his usual niceness.

"Drop the bull shit niceness for one second and just say she is a psycho bitch!" I snap at Harry, just wanting him to drop the sugar coating.

"No! That was my honest opinion!"

"Bull shit!"

"You don't know what I am thinking!"

"Oh please Styles, I know what goes on in that head better than your own mother!"

"What do you want me to say, Louis? Do you want me to snap and be rude?!"

"YES!!! Every single one of us have at some point but you! Get pissed off for once in your life!" I snap back getting out of my chair so I am leaning over him.

"I HAVE been pissed off before, and snapped you just weren't there! But if you want me pissed off fine! I'M PISSED OFF NOW! Now stop fucking yelling at me you opinionated arse hole and sit your ass back in that fucking chair!" Harry snaps back getting out of his chair.

"THANK YOU! I THINK I'LL SIT DOWN NOW!" I snap back taking my seat again. Once I'm seated Harry takes his own seat and goes back to viciously cutting and stabbing his pancakes.

"Almighty then, Zayn what's your opinion?" Paul asks ignoring the tension  that now fills the air.

"Any needle she dares come at Liam with I'm going to take and stab her with it," Zayn says casually not even looking up from his breakfast.

"See none of us like her," I add smirking at Paul.

"But not all of us are rude about it," Harry grumbles under his breath.

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