Without You We Are Not Whole (edited)

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Sorry my updating is kind of random, I am back in school and having trouble getting the chance to update, but I promise I will update when I get the chance.

Liam's POV

I hate this. Paul and Dr. Lance have both told me that I will not be going on stage tonight. I feel like I am disappointing the fans, for this is one of those countries that we rarely ever get to go to. I let my silent tears run down my cheeks and soak yet another hotel's pillow as I listen to the boys get ready in the background. What's the point in being in a band when I'm never well enough to perform? At this thought I have to resit pulling my pillow closer to cover up my sobs, but there is no need for soon my body is shaking with violent coughs. Each cough makes my already sore stomach muscles ache more and the panic of not being able to catch my breath. Finally my coughing ceases and I am able to catch my breath. 

I relax back into the mattress, wrapping the blankets around me as though they are giving me a hug. As I lay there thinking about my life without the band, my heart shutters with realization. I would have nothing, the boys are all I have. My parents are dead, my sisters are not talking to me, Sophie left me, and those friends I had once thought I could count on are all gone as well, not wanting anything to do with me.

The only people that are my family or friends anymore are these four boys, without them I will be nothing.

As if sensing my thoughts I feel a hand on my back gently rubbing, the way he rubs my bag counter-clock wise is immediately recognizable to me, it is no other than Louis.

"Liam, what's wrong?" Louis asks as I look up from my pillows to meet his blue eyes as he kneels beside the bed.

"What's going to happen if management fires me because I get sick too often? What will I do then? I really will have nothing then, for you guys are all I have left," I admit ignoring the pain in my throat from all the coughing I have been doing for the past 24 hours.

"Li, we wouldn't let that happen, without you there is no One Direction, plus even if management decides they don't want you, we'll be following you right out the door and you'll still have us. Liam, it's not because of some band that we care, don't get me wrong I love being in One Direction, but One Direction is a lot more than a band, even without One Direction you'll still have us," Louis tells me rubbing my back as tears fall down his own cheeks."Don't ever feel like you're alone, Li, for you never will be," he promises kissing my forehead lightly before standing up. 

I smile at this and relax as some of my worries disappear. Deciding to go on Twitter to see what the fans have been saying since I passed out stage I start to pull my phone out of my pocket only to find it not there. In panic I search everywhere, only to find it gone.

"Lads, where is my phone?" I ask confused.

"Don't know, where was the last place you saw it?" Niall asks.

"At the hotel in Japan," I reply surprised that I haven't noticed before.

"Li, I have it. Don't worry about it," Zayn says startling me and making me look at him with shock.

"You took my phone? Why? Give it back!" I tell him climbing out of bed, only to fall onto the floor from the dizziness.

Zayn comes over and moves me easily back into bed. I try to fight him and search for my phone in his pockets but it's useless, it's not there.

"Liam, forget it. You don't need to be on Twitter or any other social media right now any way, you need to be resting," Zayn tells me clearly not wanting to hear my protests.

"It's my phone and you don't get to decide rather or not I can have my phone give it back!" I snap back.

"No, go to sleep Liam." he replies making me glare at him. 

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