Splitting Up

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Zayn's POV

Just when I am starting to drift asleep with Liam in my arms the bedroom door opens and a very pissed off Louis enters. 

"What were you thinking?" Louis hisses at me his blue eyes narrowed angrily.

"It's fine, Lou. Stop worrying," I protest half heartedly just wanting Louis to go away so I can sleep.

"Get up or I'll haul your arse out of that bed myself," he pulls the covers away from me making me whimper as the cold air stings my skin.

"I hate you," I grumble, but get up none the less. I carefully unwrap myself from around Liam, not wanting to wake him from his first peaceful sleep in ages. Making sure he is still wrapped up safely in the blankets and kissing his forehead lightly before getting up as Louis had comanded. 

Once on my feet I can feel the stabbing pain in my abdomen, I place my hand over the healing bullet wound and find that my shirt is already stained red in that area.

Louis also notes this and grabs my arm pulling me out of the bedroom. As soon as the door is shut behind us Louis' assult begins.

"What were you thinking?! The docotor said NO heavy lifting and I hate to say it but carrying a full grown man is HEAVY lifting! Now you have ripped open your stiches, bravo!  It's only been three weeks, the doctor said to wait six! You are offically the biggest moron EVER to walk this planet! Come on let's get you to the bathroom so we can clean this mess you have made of yourself up and pray we don't have to make a trip to the ER," Louis finally stops bitching at me and grabs my arm again pulling me down the hall to the downstairs bathroom where he begins to search for the supplies he is going to need.

I take off my shirt so he can fully see the wound. The white bandage is already blood stained and as I slowly on wrap it from around my waist and the sight of the messy wound makes me cringe. 

The black stiches are ripped apart a little, blood is gushing out of it, and the wound is puffing out making it seem like some gruesome wound from a horror movie. 

Louis says nothing to me as he carefully cleans the wound wiping away the blood. He then places a cloth to the wound keeping prssure to it as he works to get the supplies needed for rebandaging the wound. 

"What the hell?! That hurts you know," I hiss at Louis as he puts added pressure onto the wound roughly.

"Good maybe you'll learn your leason," he replies as he carefully wraps up the wound again. "You're lucky it doesn't require a trip to the ER."

"I'm sorry Louis, I just wanted to make sure Liam got safely to bed," I snap pulling away from him as soon as the wound is rebandaged.

"One of us could have done it and you know it! You need to start taking care of youself, not just Liam! There's a balance Zayn and you are not doing it. You are putting your health at risk for Liam's. Don't you think that if he woke up one  day and discovered that you had died, because you had not taken care of youself that he would be devestated? You have always told Liam to listen to his doctors and now you are not listening to your's, a little hypacrytical if you ask me. Zayn, if you want to take care of Liam, you have to take care of youself first! Now get out of my sight before I decide to punch you!" Louis yells at me before pushing me out the bathroom door without allowing me to at least put my shirt on.

"YOU'RE AN ARSE HOLE, LOUIS TOMLINSON!" I yell through the closed bathroom door before heading into the kitchen where Niall and Harry are quietly chatting. As soon as I enter they both go quiet, watching me as I walk to the fridge and grab a bottle of water.

"I know I'm sexy, but do you seriosuly have to watch my every move?" I ask saracastically my irriation getting the best of me. I mean I just got bitched out by Louis and now both Harry and Niall were talking out about me! This is turning into a really crappy night quickly.

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