Keep You Safe

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Liam's POV

I have finally been released from the hospital after three weeks. I now officially stand for about fifteen minutes without my legs caving in and walk the length of the hospital hallway and back, but that doesn't matter to the boys. For now I am as frail as a piece of glass.

"Liam don't you dare touch that bag. We'll get it. You just worry about getting up the walkway," Louis warns me taking my bag from the hospital that I had been reaching for out of my reach.

"I can carry it and walk at the same time," I argue even though the boys all know I am lying. I have proven that I can barely walk carrying my own weight yet alone some extra weight from a bag. 

"Come on, Li. Let's just get you inside," Zayn says coming over to my side of the car and opening the door for me.

I don't argue knowing that there is no point in prolonging my new fate of being locked away in Zayn's house till I can get at least enough of my strength back that I can actually walk down a red carpet or the length of a stage without having my still weak muscles give in from beneath me. 

I let Zayn help me out of the car biting my lip as my achy muscles protest. Zayn wraps an arm around my waist as I slowly make my way down the extremely long walkway to Zayn's front door. Harry, Niall and Louis all grab suitcases of my stuff from the trunk each of them taking at least one for it has been made clear to me I will not be leaving Zayn's house until I am recovered enough to live by myself again, and the doctors have warned me that it could be months before that happens. 

The long walkway seems a lot longer now as my muscles ache, and shake weakly beneath me ready to give in at any step. The boys say nothing at our slow pace all of them understanding for they all have taken a turn of helping me though the long agonizing walk of that hospital hallway. About halfway is when the agonizing cramp hits, filling pain from my thigh all the way up to the muscles in my back. I grab Zayn's jacket desperately as my leg caves in from beneath me the pain bringing tears to my eyes, it feels like a Charlie Horse amplified by five. I cling to my leg trying to get the sudden cramp to stop, wanting to finish the stupid task of walking down the sidewalk by myself, but I know for today I am done as tears of pain fill my eyes. I let Zayn slide his arms under me lifting me off of the cold cement and carry me the rest of the way to the front door at a much faster pace.

"Louis, will you grab the keys from my back pocket?" Zayn asks when we are at the door. I pay no attention though for I am too busy trying not to cry out in pain as the cramping continues to get worse. I let my tears run down my cheeks soaking Zayn's shirt as I cling to him with my arms swung around his neck and face burried in his shoulder. "Louis, wrong pocket!" I hear Zayn yell as Louis.

"Oh I know, just couldn't help myself sorry," Louis jokes as he heads over to the front door unlocking it.

"You are such a weirdo Louis," Zayn grumbles as he enters the doorway, the warmth of his house greeting us. Zayn carries me over to the couch in the living room lying me down. I wince as I move my cramping leg trying to get into a comfortable position as Zayn grabs some pillows positioning them neatly so I can rest comfortably. 

"Here Li. An ice pack for your muscles muscles cramp," Harry says holding out an ice pack carefully wrapped in a towel so the cold water doesn't soak into my pajama pants. I take it positioning it right over the cramping area before letting Zayn drape a blanket over me.

"Hopefully the worse of the muscles cramps, the weakness of them and aching will be over in a couple months," Zayn tries to assure me as he starts to get up to help the other boys put my stuff in the downstairs guest room I will be staying in.

"You mean four or five months? I was there when the doctor informed us of all that information, don't bother lying to me," I reply hating how the boys are trying to down grade my current condition into no major set back.

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