The Devil In Disguise

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Liam's POV

We are finally back on tour again after our break in May for Nicola's funeral. We have already spent two months touring in North America, and it feels amazing to be back on stage again. Everything is running smoothly so far, and it honestly puts my nerves on edge. For almost three months without trouble for us is just weird anymore. It makes feel like trouble is just waiting around the next corner. It appears I am also not the only one that feels this way. Zayn has been tense sense the day after the Billboard awards. He's always jumpy, doesn't let any of us wonder to far off by ourselves and is now always at my side, his behavior is setting my nerves even more so on edge. 

I am not the only one that has noticed Zayn's strange behavior. Louis takes advantage of the one day Zayn has been gone sense the Billboard awards and is now pacing the lengths of our hotel room ranting.

"I bet it's drugs. He's doing some drug that has him paranoided or maybe he's dealing now. Has he acted weird around police? Maybe he's cheating on Perrie? Or worse maybe he's cheating on us!! He's planning to leave the band that has to be it....or no what if he's dying and is trying to spend what little time he has with us now! maybe he's joined up in one of those anti-politics groups...of maybe he's now a secret spy for some organized group of crazaies, you know it would actually be pretty smart of them hiring a pop star...." Louis babbles making the rest of us question HIS sanity.

"Or maybe he is just stressed. It hasn't been easy, give him a break, this is Zayn we are talking about," Niall speaks up rolling his eyes at Louis' dramatics. 

"Really then why did they begin around a certain time?! Niall there is something going on and don't give me your everybody is innocent and good nonsense. There is something going on and I AM going to get to the bottom of it," Louis says pulling Zayn's bag out from under the bed, throwing it on top of it and unzipping it. He dumps the contents all over the bed making us all go wide eyed.

"Louis....what are you doing?" I ask really not liking the idea of going through our friend's stuff.

"Finding answers, make sure he doesn't come in," Louis orders as he leafs through the contents on the bed. 

"Louis, no this is wrong. Why don't we just ask him, maybe he'll tell us?" I reply trying to get all of Zayn's stuff out of Louis' reach.

"What if he's doing drugs, are we seriously going to let him keep doing them until we find him in some hotel bathroom dead? Or maybe he's involved with some gang and when he dies in some shooting we can then reflect back on this moment and ask ourselves what if?" Louis replies easily pushing me away.

"I still think we should just ask him and give him the chance to explain," I grumble as I step back and watch Louis go through Zayn's stuff. 

Louis suddenly stops his eyes going wide. He grabs one of Zayn's boxers holding up ahd showing us something is wrapped up beneath. He unwraps the boxers from around whatever is hidden beneath and what I see makes my heart stop. 

A silver glistening gun shines at me reflecting underneath the lights. 

"What the hell?" Harry asks his eyes going wide and jaw dropping. 

"How did he get that past airport secuirty?" Niall asks looking at the weapon.

"Is it loaded?" I ask slightly freaked out.

"Nope the ammo is right here I bet," Louis holds up another boxer that is wrapped around something. "The secuirty numbers aren't scratched off so it's registered somewhere, in some government," Louis says examining the gun.

"Can we just put the damn thing back where we found it? It's making me nervous we can. We can Zayn about it when he gets back. Just put it away, Louis. I don't really like the idea of Zayn walking in here and finding you holding his gun," I hiss at him my stomach turning as I realize that maybe Louis is right Zayn is hiding something from us.

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