A Long Road

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It is all over the news. Word has got out that Liam has been posioned and almost killed. Dr. Salvion's arrest is all over and people are calling him a monster and horrible man. They are making him seem like some kind of monster when in actuallity he a good man that loves his job and never really did anything wrong. 

He is going to prison for my crimes. Tears fill my eyes at this knowledge but there is nothing I can do. 

The cell phone I have been clutching in my hand sense Liam went to the hospital goes off, alerting me of an incoming call.

"I know I messed up but how should I know that it would effect his lungs?" I answer tears in my eyes knowing my part of the plan has fallen apart sending the entire plan lopsided. 

"Getting him now is going to be extremly difficult, we have already recieved word that William is working on getting Liam out of town and making him disapear, the only thing standing is his way are the rest of the members of One Direction. We need to find a way to get him out of there before William Dillard can or those boys and Simon Cowell have a damn army around the boy. You messed up you figuare out how to fix it," Lewis Green, the head of our revenge against William Dillard, greets me. 

"I'll find a way to get him away from the boys, the psycho fans of theirs will still get their part and we'll still get ours. They trust me, give me some time," I reply hoping I can convince him, knowing exactly what kind of man Lewis is. 

"You have two months."

Liam's POV

One step feels like a hundred. 

I make my way down the hallway holding tightly to Harry's arm my fingers digging into his skin the pain almost unbearable. My legs tremble beneath me ready to cave in at any secoud. 

"Liam, just make it half way today. We're only a couple of steps from it and then Niall and I can take you back to your room to rest. We'll try again tomorrow," Harry says trying to assure me.

"I-I can't keep going. It hurt too bad," I reply my muscles weakening, no long able to support my weight. I grab at Harry as my legs give in beneath me sending me to the cold tile floor, tears running down my cheeks. 

"It's okay, Li. You made further than you did yesterday. Come on let's get you back to your room," I let Harry slide his arms beneath my legs lifting me up bridal style and carry me back to my hospital room, lying me on the hospital bed. Niall pulls my covers over my shivering body kissing my forehead lightly before pulling back. 

"I'm so tired of hurting. I just want all this pain to go away and to have things go back to normal again," I whisper tears running down my cheeks.

"You're going to get better, Li. Give it a year and you'll be healthy agian," Niall tries to assure me. 

"Even a year from now I won't be healthy, Niall. I'm still going to have my disorder and kidney probelems. Plus a year of recovery from this? Strengthing my muscles, trying to get back to normal? Not to mention the unknown side effects of this that the doctors have not mentioned. I don't want to wait a year to get back to as healthy as I can get. I want everything to get back to normal now, not later. I'm tired of hurting. I just want the pain to stop, and for everything to go back to the way it was before I got sick. I want to have just one thing go right, to have something bad not happen me for once," I admit through sobs. Every muscles aches, I can't walk far, the doctors have told me for months even after I walk the length of that damn hallway I will not be able to walk far or stay standing for long. They said it will be hard to lift anything heavier than a dictionary till I can get my arm muscles working right. They have told me my stomach may not tolerate some foods, I may suddenly get sick for no reason, have random migraines, nose bleeds, randomly fall asleep because my body is so weak...I just want it all to not be real, for all of it to not happen. 

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