The Greatest Pain (edited)

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Liam's POV

"He's going to fail me, there is no way he will let me go on tour," I babble nervously to the boys as we all sit in the living room waiting for Simon and the doctor. 

"You'll do fine. You haven't thrown up since Harry and Louis left for London," Niall tries to cheer me up.

"I think I might now," I groan burrying my head in the cushions.

"That would probably be nerves," Harry laughs rubbing my back. I just groan in response making them all laugh. So happy that my pain brings them join.

Harry and Louis came home a couple of days ago. The moment they entered the doors hugs were exchanged. Watching them leave had terrified me, I was so scared that something would happen to them and now with all of us together again it settles some of my nerves. 

The door bell rings making me want to disapear even further into the cushions. Louis laughs getting up and heading out to open the front door for the man that will determine my fate. I suddenly wish Jay was still here, the tea she always makes has always brought comfort to me in times like these, but unfortunatly shortly after Louis and Harry came home the families left needing to get the kids ready for school again.

I hear footsteps from behind us and I look up peeking out from behind Harry's arm making him laugh. Entering the living room behind Louis is Simon, Paul and a man that appears to be in his late 40's. His dark brown hair is thinning and he has modern black frammed glasses on. He shoots me a friendly smile clearly already noticing that I am his patient.

Harry makes me sit up and I obey even though I just want to disapear. 

"Liam, I would like you to meet Dr. Lance. He will be the doctor that will be going on tour with you and doing your check up today," Simon tells me. I shake the man's outstreched hand trying to keep the nerves that are running through me from showing. 

"You don't need to be nerves Liam. I'm sure you'll pass," he tries to assure me. 

The doctor then jumps into his examination. He takes my temperture, checks my blood pressure, asks me how much I weigh (which I took this morning and it has dropped 20 lbs), checked my breathing, my heart rate,he asks me a bunch of questions and even asks the boys a bunch of questions apparently not trusting my answers. Finally he stops asking us questions and stops poking me, instead his attention is on his tablet. He scrolls thorugh something and takes note of things. My nerves are on edge, I feel Louis' hand on my back gently rubbing trying to calm me down. 

"Your temperture is back to normal, which is good. You still seem to be lacking energy..." he mumbles to himself and he keeps doing that. Saying something good that he has noticed and then adding something he doesn't think is so good. It's like everything good about my health that he has to say he has something negative to go along with it as well. I am really starting to hate this guy....the suspence is going to kill me before any illness.

"Well Mr.'re defintly not in perfect health nor do I think you ever fully will be, if so not for too long as long as you keep working in your choice of career..." the doctor says making me want to yell at him. 

"Well you're a ray of sunshine," Louis speaks up saracastically. I crack a smile at that, at least I am not the only one getting frustatred with this guy.

"I know the risks that come with my career, I know that with this disorder I have that it can make it scary and highten my risks of getting sick, but with all due respect I just want to know if I'm healthy enough to continue it," I speak up just wanting to get on with it.

"I understand that Mr. Payne and honestly I would say that somebody with a disorder like yours that you really shouldn't be continuing to work a job like yours. I would recommend to the family to not let you continue the job, limit being in large crowds and be extremly cautious duing flu season," the doctor says making me want to cry. He can not be taking away my passion in life, he can not be taking me away from the boys.....

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