Man That Knows All (Edited)

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Sorry I haven't updated for the past two days, I've been out of town  do I didn't get the chance, sorry :(.

Zayn's POV

We all sit in the hall of the hotel outside of Liam's hotel room, waiting anxiously for news on Liam well Dr. Lance looks him over to make sure he is ok. Paul had insisted on going in with him not trusting Liam alone with anybody, but one of us or the boys, much to my relief. I don't care if the doctor is hired by Simon or the queen I still don't trust anybody but one of us with Liam alone. 

As we sit there Niall anxiously goes through Twitter reassuring fans that Liam is ok even if we don't know ourselves, for just an hour after the show already one of the trending topics on Twitter is Liam. Louis just stares at the floor his blue eyes full of guilt. Harry on the other hand can't sit still and is pacing up and down the hallway, watching him makes me want a cigarette.

After thirty minutes the hotel room door finally opens and Paul and the Dr. Lance step out both looking tired and worried but not panicked.

"How is he?" Harry asks freezing in his pacing looking at the two men with fear in his eyes.

"He is exhausted and coming down with a virius. He's right now sleeping but you boys are welcome to see him. Please don't wake him he is going to need his rest. He will be sitting out the next couple of shows as well, I don't want him pushing himself any further, no matter what the stuborn boy says," Dr. Lance grumbles at the end before disapearing down the hall. 

"Boys take it easy on Liam for the next couple days, he's not doing so well and if you could keep an eye on him please. We leave tomorrow morning," Paul gives a smile before he too disapears down the hall leaving only us boys.

Without a word Louis opens the hotel room door and we all pile in before closing it securly behind us. Liam is laying under the covers of the bed sound to sleep. His skin is pale and he is once again shivering uncounsiously pulling the blankets closer around him. 

Watching him I can't help but feel anger and hatred boil up from within me. It's not necciasrily hatred towards Liam, it's just hatred towards what he is going through and this in turn makes it hard to see him.

Louis hovers near the door clearly not feeling certain in himself going over to Liam the guilt radiating off him. Harry and Niall on the other hand settle themselves near the bed both of them taking over the position of being Liam's silent guardians.

Louis and I look at each other both of us hesitant to head over there, but in the end we make our move together, all of us silently agreeing that we all be sleeping in this room together tonight, none of us wanting to be alone.

Liam's POV

I wake up with my head pounding and an overwhelming light headedness makes me feel as though I am floating. Dazed I sit up slowly clutching the blankets around my shivering body, trying to lessen the goose bumps that are running up and down my arms. Beside me is Niall's sleeping form, my stirring not even making him twitch. Harry is passed out on the floor with only a blanket and pillow. I move my feet and accidently kick Louis who is fast asleep at the end of the bed using the bottom part of the comforter as his covers. Zayn is fast asleep on the floor near the door, with only a blanket and balled up jacket for a pillow. They all slept in here, because I passed out on stage? I can't help, but smile as I take in my boys. 

I pull back the covers, careful not to stir Louis or Niall and not step on Harry. I slip into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I turn on the shower hoping the warm water will help with the chills that are running through my body. 

Once inside under the warm water my achy muscles begin to relax. I rest my achy head against the shower wall letting the warm water run down my back. The steam in the shower makes it quickly hard to breath, my lungs not taking in air like they should be making me even more dizzy. I sink to the shower floor giving in on standing up. I pull my bare legs close to my chest ignoring the ache of my lungs. I close my eyes just wanting to stay in here all day, no matter how much my lungs protest, enjoying the peace, and warmth. 

Together (Sick & Hurt Liam)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang