Fight For You

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Liam's POV

"Louis please let me go," I plea with my best friend as he walks around the kitchen making breakfast for Niall, El, Harry, himself and I. 

"Liam no. It's out of the question. You're not leaving this house, you're not well enough," Louis replies with his same answer he has given me the past dozen times. 

"LOOOOUUUIIIISSSSS!!!!! PLEASE! One of you will go with me and if I even get the slightest headache we'll go home. Please it's just seeing Zayn at the hospital and then if that goes okay I'll go Saturday with you guys to the award show, right?" I ask giving him my best puppy eyes. 

"Well then you might as well not even go because you're going to have a headache or pass out or have a nose gushing blood or be so dizzy you'll be mistaken as a drunk before we even leave the front door! Plus a hospital is full of illness and with you immune system and with your body still fighting the poision it's a recipie for disaster. Also Saturday is out of the question if I'm not going to let you vist Zayn do you really think I'm going to let you go to an award show for more than three hours and on live TV? Liam, you can't even stand for an hour let alone three!" Louis snaps at me making me only more furious and determinded. 

"We will be sitting for most of the time anyway! And I HAVE to go see Zayn. He's been in the hospital now for over a week and I still haven't seen him! He's one of my best friends...Louis please let me go," I plea tears in my eyes.

"Alright Liam, if you can walk up the staircase without your legs caving in from beneath you and making you fall back down the stairs you can go to the award show with us, but going to see Zayn is still out of the question," Louis replies his hands on his hips and a smirk on his lips. I glance over at the staircase that has to have a least twenty steps my heart sinking. There is no way I'm going to make it up them, I can barely make it up the steps outside and I have just managed to walk the length of the kitchen and living room three times without falling over just yesterday.

"Damn it...I'm fucked. I'm going to be a prisoner here for the rest of my life! I'm going to die here and the only person I will have as company is an arse hole named Louis and here I was thinking he was my friend but in actuality he's my captor, holding me back from living my life!" I snap at Louis glaring at him. He just laughs at me rolling his eyes. "I hate you! You're a total arse hole and you dress horribly, you're butt ugly and you're a rude and loud bastard!" I snap at him getting up from the bar stool and heading back to the couch making him laugh.

"Liam, that was the most pathetic insults I think I have ever heard and the fact that you wore a hurt puppy look only makes it harder to take you seriously," Louis laughs making me groan into my pillow hating him even more. 

"Mmmmm food! Wait is it edible?" Niall asks from the stairs case after he easily bounds down it making me envy him.

"Yes, it's just pancakes, toast and eggs. I'm not completely kitchen stupid," Louis argues.

"I don't know Lou, you have failed to make cereal before," Niall snickers taking the seat I had just been sitting in.

"I was drunk! I'm telling you that bowel kept moving," Louis argues making me roll my eyes. Normally I would have laughed but not today. Everything Louis does is annoying in my eyes, even the sound of his voice makes me want to strangle him. 

I bury my face into my pillow tugging the blankets around me as tears run down my cheeks. I feel so weak and pathetic it's not even funny. My body aches, my mind is telling me I'm worthless, I can barely walk the length of the house without my legs giving in from beneath me, I spend four days out of the seven in the week throwing up or not being able to get out of bed, Louis is crushing all of my hopes and dreams of getting out of here, I miss Zayn like crazy and Twitter is full of hate on me because apparently I am a horrible person that is holding the other boys back now. 

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