Silent Protectors (Edited)

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All right this is the chapter where the two endings become different. So if you only want to read the mpreg ending you can skip this chapter here and head over to the Alternative Ending on my profile! (If it is not there yet it will be within a couple of hours!) I hope you enjoy the ending you pick or both of the ending if you choose!

Liam's POV

I wake up feeling foreboding, it's like looking out at the sky in the morning and you can see the grey, dark clouds, you know a storm is coming it's just a matter of when. I try to shake the negative thoughts out of my head as I crawel out of the for the interview at seven.

The movement of setting up sends my world spinning. I let myself fall back on to the pillows groaning. This can not be happening. We're only a month into the tour and already I'm getting sick. I am not goinjg to get sick only a month into the tour, not without a fight. Determined I get out of bed, the dizziness comes back, but I'm ready I grab the nightstand beside the bed for support. I take a deep breath trying to get my bareings again. 

Once the dizziness has slowed I head into the bathroom. Maybe I'm just dehydrated or just some weird migraine. Deciding to go with either one of those theories instead of the theory of getting sick I grab some pain medication that I now make sure is always in my toiltry bag when I travel. I take two hoping it will help along with just drinking a lot of water today, I'll be fine.

Louis' POV

Doing an interview in a forgin country where they speak a different language is always so weird. Sitting there in the Japanese studio listening to the crew speak in a Japaneese and not understanding a word is so strange. Maybe they're trash talking us, we would never even know it.

The interview is even kind of strange, they speak english but their accent is so interesting to listen to and the culture they bring up is intreging. Going to all of these forign countries is always so interesting, because I learn so much and experiece new bits of their culture every time I go.

"Alright boys, we have a couple of hours to kill. Outside of the stuido are some fans that want to see you. We are allowing you, but you all stick close to secuirty and when we say it's time to leave you go, no protests," Paul warns us as we head out of the studio after the interview. 

As we head out I notice the look Zayn gives Paul, his eyes narrowed clearly asking if he is sure. Since when has Zayn been hesitant to see fans? I mean as far as we know the gang of wackys doesn't even extend to Japan! Zayn has to know something the rest of us don't, it's the only explanation. Whatever it is I am going to find out, I will not be in the dark, especially not when it comes to our safety, especially the youngest three.

I know better than to ask about it in front of the other boys or in front of the fans so I wait. I smile, talk to the fans, sign CDs, shirts, skin, posters and books. I take picutres with all the ones I can reach. Spending time with fans that legitmally care is always great. Their excitment at seeing us is thrilling everytime no matter what country we are in.

Paul leads us away after fifteen minutes. It makes me mad because I know between all of us boys we still have not reached all the fans in the group and those that we did secuity made sure we didn't come into close contact with any of them for too long.

As I head back to the car I join in on Niall and Harry's conversation. Their excitment and joy from the first night is still so clearly there and it is very contagious. As we continue to talk when we get into the car I can't help but notice Liam and Zayn. Zayn sits a little ways away from us his facial expression series and searching. It's almost like he expects some psycho to jump out of the shadows at any minute, it sets my nerves on edge. Liam is distant as well but for an entirely different reason. Liam is pale, and in his dark brown eyes is exhaustion and pain. He is visibly geitting sick. I turn away from Harry and Niall turning my attention to the sickly Liam

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