I Don't Want To Know

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Zayn's POV

The past three days have been stressful. Louis is now offically out of the hospital, Harry is still in the hospital and Liam is not leaving anytime soon, the flu still taking a tole on his body. Between Niall and I we both have been taking turns shifts in spending time in Harry and Liam's room, both of them wanting somebody to be with them. Louis tried to stay but his pain forced him to go back to the hotel to rest. 

After three days of spending time in the hospital, getting what little sleep we can in the hospital chairs Niall and I are both exhausted. Louis, Niall and I are getting ready for an award show in our hotel room, the both of us are so out of it and not in the mood that I'm not even sure what award show it is or what awards we are up for. Just getting ready feels wrong without Harry and Liam in the room. 

Louis painfully stuggles into his suit jacket, moving his shoulder that is till healing from being badly sparined makes him cry out and tears sting his eyes. His ribs are visibly bothering him as well.

Niall is so tired he has put his shirt on backwards, and forgot to zip up his fly. Niall is now going on almost 48 hours without sleep.

I myself am exhausted, I had managed to get three hours of sleep last night at the hospital well sitting in Liam's room after I had comforted him yet again when he was throwing everything up and gagging so painfully all he could do was silently cry as the gags shaked his entire body and left him gasping for air. The three hours I had managed to get were restless to say the least.

"Why do we have to go to this? None of us are even functioning right," Louis whines as he takes some of the pain medication that the hospital had given him for his pain, clearly hoping to make it through the night without waking up in the morning without feeling like he had been hit by the car.

"We need to assure the fans that we are okay and put on a good show," Niall grumbles as I help him fix his shirt and make him zip up his fly so he doesn't look like he's drunk or so exhausted that he might just topple over.

"Well we're not okay. I am in so much fucking pain I can barely breath, every damn breath hurting and Niall looks like he might hit the floor at any minute, hell he's so exhausted he can't even dress right. You look so stressed and exhausted I think I'm starting to see streaks of grey in your hair!" Louis snaps looking extremly pissed off.

"Well tell Simon that not me. Plus I think we do owe the fans at least three hours of making a public appearance after the news of your and Harry's accident and Liam's hospital stay. Hell some are even saying Liam and Harry are actually dead! We need to show them that we are okay, and assure them that none of us are dead," I reply my head beginning to pound with a headache from the stress and exhaustion. 

"Yeah, because me crying in pain, Niall passing out and you looking as though you want to have a mental break down at any moment is really going to assure them that we are fine. Alright let's do this,guys, let's go show the world that we are perfectly fine," Louis says sarcastically already heading out the door and pushing past Paul who was just about to knock.

"Don't worry about coming with us, we'll drive ourselves. Go stay in Liam's room, Lou is in Harry's, I don't like leaving them alone," I order him pushing past him as I go and dragging Niall behind me.

"Which of you are driving? You all look like shit and shouldn't be driving," Paul calls after us.

"Don't worry Josh will drive us," Louis smiles as Josh comes from the elevators looking like he too has been hit by a bus, exhaustion in his eyes. "Party too hard?" Louis asks grinning at him.

"Shut up, my head is pounding," Josh grumbles taking the car keys that Louis offers.

"You're kidding me right?" Paul asks looking at Josh skeptically.

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