Protectors (EDITED)

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Liam's POV

When I wake the next morning my body is covered in sweat and I have gotten sick again. I don't dare tell the boys but when I use the bathroom my pee has a tint of red to it making me worry that whatever is wrong with me is more than a stomach bug. 

"Liam! Go lay down!" Louis yells at me guiding me out of the small kitchen and back to bed well Harry brings in a glass of water for me setting it down on my nightstand. 

"I can get a glass of water guys," I argue half heatedly as I wrap the blankets around me hoping the trembling will go away. Neither of them pay any attention to my argument. Louis just rubs my arms comfortingly, probably to distract himself more than comfort me.

"I'm going to find some more blankets," Louis says worriedly feeling my forehead before taking off in search of more blankets. 

Harry helps me sit up and drink some water before making me more comfortable with pillows and blankets. He takes Louis's place and rubs my arms and back comfortingly trying to warm me up. 

Louis comes back with what looks like a mountain of blankets in his arms. I laugh as he tries to balance them all. 

He throws each one over me wrapping me up tightly like I was some burrito. Once satisfied he takes up the other side of the bed and lays beside me. I lay in-between Harry and Louis still shivering even with the mass of blankets and both of them holding me. 

"Guys, I'm scared," I confess tears in my eyes the worry of this being something horrible increasing.

"It's going to be ok Li. Even if something is seriously wrong you still have us, Niall and Zayn," Harry responds squeezing my arm.

"I'm starting to think I can't put it off...I peeded blood this morning," I mumble tears sliding down my cheeks. 

"I'm going to get Paul. Harry stay here with him," Louis orders squeezing my arm once more before taking off out the door. 

"Why didn't you say something earlier? Liam this IS probably serious," Harry says making me cry more, fear overwhelming me. Noticing my unease Harry pulls me close holding me like a child as I cry in fear of what my future holds.

Louis's POV

Paul comes back with me to my, Liam and Harry's room immeditly his worry for Liam visable on his face. When we get there we find a crying Liam in Harry's arms and Harry desperatly trying to comfort him. 

Paul takes a seat on the bed gently taking Liam out of Harry's arms and checking his temp. 

"I think we do need some medical advice but before I take you to a hospital,I'm going to call a doctor to come here to see if it's worth the hassle. It still might be just a kidney stone," Paul assures Liam even though there is uncertainty even in his voice. 

Liam nods hesitantly and lays back into the pillows. 

"I'll be right back," Paul promises before heading out phone in hand. 

I sit back down on the bed where Paul had just occupied and rub soothing circles on Liam's back even though my mind isn't there. My own fear is overcoming me. Liam has to be ok. I keep repeating to myself over and over as I rub his back. Harry's green tear filled eyes meet mine. All I can do is smile a half hearted smile at him, both of us understanding each other. No matter what any doctor had to say we will be here for our Liam.

Harry's POV

Paul returns half an hour later with a man in that appears in his mid- fifties and has greying hair. 

He smiles warmly and both me and Louis reluctantly get up leaving Liam be so the doctor can properly examine him. 

He pulls up a chair beside Liam's bed well the rest of us watch a little distance away. As I watch the doctor ask Liam about his syntoms and the basic questions my heart races in fear. It's like I am expecting the doctor to tell me the worse thing possible. I concentrate on the pattern on the wall behind the doctor trying not to focus on whatever the doctor is doing to poor Liam, watching him only increasing my fear. 

Liam suddenly lets out a whimper drawing my attention from the wall. I look over at Liam his eyes full of tearful pain as the doctor makes note of something. 

"I can't diagnose him here. He needs tests run but I do have guesses and if I am right he is going to need immediate medical attention. If you could meet me with him at the hospital in an hour that would be great Mr. Higgins," The doctor stands up shaking hands with Paul before leaving us all in stiff silence. 

"Get him ready to travel, I'm going to tell the others what is going on, when I get back I want him ready to leave," Paul orders me and Louis before heading out of the room his hand trembling in fear and moisture in his eyes. 

Without a word to each other both me and Louis move together. We help Liam sit up and pull a t-shirt over his head, and help him get into a pair of sweatpants. I grab a bottle of water from the mini fridge and a small bucket in case he gets sick again well Louis helps Liam slide his sneakers on. 

Each of us taking a side Louis and I help Liam into the living room where we gently lay him down waiting anxiously for Paul to return. Liam leans against Lou's shoulder weakly and holds onto my arm as we wait, all three of us silent terrified to break the silence. 

The sound of the door opening sends my heart skyrocketing to the ceiling but I don't let go of Liam.

"The car is pulled out around back so we can hopefully avoid the fans and paparazzi. Niall and Zayn went out front with some of security to keep them busy. Let's get Liam out of here," Paul says holding the door open as I and Louis help Liam up and out into the hall.

Liam's POV

We take the elevetor down to the ground floor, my stomach is in knots fearing a run in with fans. I love them but I don't know if I can handle a run in with them right now. Exhaustion and pain filling my entire body. 

I lean heavily on Louis and Harry as we hurry out to the backdoors both of them helping me along. 

Paul peaks out the door checking for fans. He comes back in his face pale. 

"What?" I ask my heart racing. 

"One of the hotel staff must have said something. There are fans out here too. Stick close to me and you two don't let him go," Paul orders nodding his head asking if we were ready. 

The three of us nod in usion and head out into the crowd of screaming fans and flashing lights. I try to not lean on Harry and Louis to much not wanting the fans to see how weak I feel.

I can feel them pushing to get at us and some of them grabbing at my clothes, I grab Louis's shirt in my fingers holding on and keeping my head down. It can't be much further to the car could it?

I hear the car door open and I am slid into the back seat along with Harry and Louis. Harry slams the car door behind us firmly and locks the door for safety. 

"You three ok?" Paul asks once we are on the road. 

"We're fine but Liam isn't looking so hot," Louis admits. I have half a mind to argue but my body isn't listening. I feel too weak to even shake my head or grumble so I just rest my head on Louis's shoulder letting my eyes close. 

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