Our Pain Is Over

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WOW! I just want to thank you all for your support though this story and I just want to say I love you ALL for supporting me though this story. I have put a lot of time, emotion and effort into it so when you comment or vote it really does make it feel like my work has not gone to waste. There has been some rough spots in my progress of writing this as you all probably know, but you all have still had my back. THANK YOU! I am sorry to say that this is unfortunatly drawing to a close.  I do want you all to know though that I do have A NEW ONE DIRECTION FAN FIC IN THE WORKS. And I hope you all will support that one as well. I am going to post it after I finish this one. I promise you all I will continue to keep writing until my dying breath for this is what I LOVE and what I hope to do for a living and reading your words only encourgaes me more. I have gotten crap from friends and familly for "wasting my time", yet I continue to write and if it wasn't for you guys I would have deleted this story long ago. SO THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT I APPRECIATE IT MORE THAN YOU WILL ALL EVER KNOW! 

Now onto what you guys all are really here for. 

 Louis' POV

I am really starting to think we're lucky sons of bitches. 

We actually manage to get the crate door open and when we did Niall and I both stumble out falling on top of the two guys with guns on the outside.

I do not hesitate and immeditley take the guy I landed on gun away before hitting him over the head with the back of it knocking him uncouncious. Looking behind me I notice Harry doing the same thing with the guy Niall landed on.

Poor Niall is curled up on the floor clutching his now bleeding knee. Our efforts to get free really is not helping the poor boy that is suppose to be using crutches and resting.

"You three stay here. I'm going to get Liam. Try to find a phone on one of these two basturds and call the police. If anybody tries to come at you guys shoot them,"  Zayn orders us taking the gun out of Harry's hands.

"Wait, we should not spilt up. I mean have you seen a horror movie?! Bad things happen when people split up. Plus I'm not shooting anybody. I don't think I could live with myself," I reply panicking at the thought of sperating and actually killing somebody.

"Then use the guy's knife. You're less likey to kill somebody that way. I don't like splitting up any more than you do, but Niall is not going any where and Harry is out of it. One of us have to go get Liam, other wise he is going to be the one dying. Now stay here and keep quiet," Zayn warns us before disapearing into the darkness.

"Well he's either a hero or really stupid," Harry grumbles from beside me.

"I think most heroes are really stupid or have a death wish," I sigh before turning my attention to our poor broken Niall while Harry frantically searches for a phone.

Liam's POV

For what ever reason I am not afraid to die. Maybe it's because I'm tired of hurting or have always known it has been coming.

Staring into the eyes of the man that is my father now I know that my fate is in his hands, but even if he does choose to pull the trigger on himself I know I am not leaving here the same, if leaving at all. 

You can't trust the word of a mad man. 

"Liam, I'm so sorry that I have caused you so much pain. Your mother would so proud of you. I envy you, for I know you are something I never will be. You are loved, caring and selfless. Things that I never was capable of. You will always be more of a man than I ever will be and I have so much respect for you for that. Know that I love you and everything is already waiting for you, all that I can give you is now yours. Just promise me you'll never give up and will always love. I love you my son and I am so sorry," my father's eyes lock with mine. His eyes are the same shade as the ones I see everyday in the mirror each day and his sad smile is the same smile I wear on my own face. I watch the tears fall down his cheeks and before I know I am pleading with him to not pull the trigger that his finger is balancing on. 

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