Claim Him Any Day

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Louis' POV

Three hours.

Three long horrible hours I was stuck in an ER room  with nurses stiching me, bandgaing me asking me stupid questions, asking for Emergency Contacts, giving me medication for pain, Harry, Niall and Liam's medical history (which I kindly snapped that they could probably Google half of it, I think they asked Zayn instead) before releasing me ordering me to take it easy and refusing to give me the lads room numbers, because I should go home and "rest". Well they can suck it. I'm not going anywhere.

I sit in the hallway outside of the ER waiting patiently for Zayn to emerge. Not even fifteen minutes later Zayn comes out on a pair of crutches, various injuries stiched up, his right ear bandaged, and looking mighty pissed off.

"They won't tell me anything! 'Go home and rest, sweetheart,'. Yeah well they can jump off a fucking cliff! I'm not even going to be able to rest without knowing our boys are okay! I'm going to find out where they are even if I have to look in every room myself!" Zayn greets me looking like he might just walk in there and start beating people with his crutches.

"I'm right behind you....wait a minute what are you doing?" I narrow my eyes at Zayn watching as he lights up a cigarrette. 

"Having a smoke so I don't start beating people with these damn things," he replies as he somehow manages to take a drag while standing on crutches.

"ZAYN MALIK PUT THAT OUT RIGHT NOW OR I'LL SINGE YOU WITH IT!" I snap at him hoping that I will not be forced to bring up the reason I am so mad at him for lighting it in the first place.

"What are you my mother?" 

"We all made a pact, no more cigarrettes. Just because three of us aren't here the moment doesn't mean you have the right to smoke one of those things. Now PUT it OUT," I narrow my eyes at him just daring him to fight me on this, a part of me actually hoping he will so I have a reason to use his crutches on HIM.

"Louis it's just one....what is wrong with you? Ow Stop throwing those things! I'm already sore you asshole," Zayn tries to dodge my firing of pebbles, but on crutches he fails miserbly. "Alright I'll put it out you whack job. Throwing pebbles at an injured man. What kind of man are you?" he grumbles stepping on the cigarrette with his one good foot.

"THROW that packs AWAY," I point him towards the trash can.

"Seriously? Oh my God Lou! You're a pain in the arse. Alright they're gone, happy?" he asks sitting down beside me after throwing them away. "I hate you."

"Okay, I can add you to the long list of people that think I give a shit. After all a haters going to hate," I shug flashing him a sassy smile.

"I'm trying to decide if you're just an arse hole or just really sassy."

"I'm an arse hole that cares about his friends and will use all the sass in the world to keep friends from being stupid, standing up to people, telling people off and just because I can. Now stop being pissy at me you'll thank me later. We have bigger priorites than your stupid cancer sticks. How are we going to get to our boys without having to sass some nurse to tears?" I ask grinning at him.

"I think we might be able to help with that," the sound of my mother's voice makes me jump to my feet ignoring all the pain in my aching body and wrap her into the biggest hug ever.

"Hey love, are you okay? We were all so scared when we heard what happened. Thankfully you and Zayn sent out those Tweets so the police were able to find you boys faster. They didn't even know where to begin their search. So good job on that. Where are the others? Is poor Liam okay?" my mum asks pulling away a little so she can see my face.

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