Who's at fault? (Edited)

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Thank you for the reads and comments! The more comments and votes I get the faster I try to update! I am trying to dedicate a chapter and follow anybody that comments, please let me know if I have missed you. I have another reader after this one the next chapter will be dedicated to. Please keep it coming and I'll keep the chapters coming! I hope you all are enjoying reading it as much as I am writting it!

Zayn's POV

"I don't think you're going to need hand surgery, but you should still get it looked at by a hand specialist," The doctor smiles at me after bandaging my hand and stiching it in the couple of places it needs it.

"Thanks. Do you know where they sent my friends?" I ask standing up from the bed I had been sitting on.

"Two of them have been checked into rooms. One in the ICU, the other has his own room somewhere in the hospital. I believe one of them just got his arm wrapped and the curly haired one just got finished," she smiles at me.

"Thanks," I wave good-bye and head out in search of Harry and Niall.

"There you are! They took Liam up to the ICU and Louis to a room as well! They won't give me their room numbers though cause we're not family," Niall grumbles glaring at the nurse.

"Have you tried treating her like a lady?" Harry asks smiling wickedly at me, "Excuse me but two of my friends have been admitted, could you please tell us their room numbers, love. We're not from here as you can probably tell and they have no family here. You can't expect them to stay in the hospital without somebody to stay with them can you?" Harry asks giving her his best smile and pleading eyes. Niall even stands to the side with his baby blue, puppy eyes.

"Very well. Give me their names," she sighs.

"Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson," I speak up stepping closer to the desk.

"You had better not me lying to me boys. I could get in a lot of trouble for this especially condering it seems your friends are celebrities. Liam's in 245 and Louis's in 164."

"Thank you, you won't regret this I promise. Have a nice night," Harry waves before we take off to the elevator.

"Let's see Louis first. He's got a head injury and should be fine. The ICU is going to be more difficult to get in and I think only two of us can go, so one of us can stay with Lou well the others head off to see Li," Harry explains pressing the floor that Lou is on.

His room isn't hard to find considering his room is the only room on the floor with the security guard standing out front.

"Hi Tony," Harry greets the guard before sliding past him and into the room with me and Niall on his heals.

"Hey lads!" Louis greets smiling at us woozily.

"Hi Lou. How are you?" Niall asks laughing at our friends optimisum.

"They're keeping me here overnight to make sure I don't die or something. My head hurts, but other than that I'm fine. How's Liam?" he asks growing serious.

"Not sure. Two of us are going to go see him in a couple of minutes. He's in the ICU," Harry explains taking a seat by Louis's bed wincing a little in pain when he shifts wrong.

"What about you three?"

"My arm is broke in several places but I'll live," Niall replies.

"3 cracked ribs," Harry grumbles shifting uncomfortably in the chair.

"My hands broken in 3 places and I needed some stitches, but I'll live," I reply just as Paul enters the room.

"There you are. The police want to talk to the four of you and document your injuries. It's an offical police investigation now. Simon wants to sue the studio and press charges against the paps that were there. It's all over the news and reporters are everywhere downstairs. I hope I don't have to tell you boys to not go down there alone," Paul explains stress in his eyes.

"It's a police investigation?"

"Were any fans hurt?"

"Did you here anything on Liam?"

"Yes, the police are doing a full blown investigation, condiering this doesn't normally get this bad. Several fans have been injured. How bad I don't know. As for Liam, he's in the ICU and is asleep right now. His leg is broken, has several broken ribs, took a blow to the head and his temp has risen above 102 so they're keeping him here until they can get it lowered." Paul explains. He looks to be on the verge of tears and it breaks my heart. It wasn't his fault, "I called you parents and let them know what is going on. You all should call them tonight. They need some assurance."

"Paul, what happened was't your fault," I speak up meeting his eyes.

"I know, it's just my job to make sure you boys don't get hurt and I failed today," he sighs.

"You didn't know they would be that crazy," Harry argues.

"Yeah well tell Simon that. He's looking at replacing some of your security including me."




This gets Paul to crack a smile, even though tears are in his eyes.

"Why don't two of you go see Liam? I'm sure he won't want to be alone when he wakes up."

"I'm going to stay here. Zayn and Niall can go. I'm so sore I don't think I'm getting out of this chair any time soon," Harry grumbles.

"Come on Harry. Lay here with me. I'm sure it'll be more comfortable and it's not like there are any fans to talk about Larry," Louis smiles at the youngest of us patting a part of the bed that he had slid over to make room.

Harry smiles and slides into bed with Louis burrying his head in the pillows and closing his eyes. Louis carefully slides and arm around Harry and snuggles up to him. Larry may not be real romantically, but behind closed doors it's defintly going strong still in the bromance.

"See you guys later," Niall waves as me and him exit the room. In silence Niall and I head further upstairs to where Liam is.

"I don't want anybody to replace Paul. It wasn't his fault," Niall grumbles tears in his eyes.

"He won't lose his job. We won't let him," I promise wrapping an arm around Niall and pulling him close.

Together we head down the hall and to Liam's room. Standing in front is once again a secuity guard. He nods at us and lets us in clearly not as friendly as the guys that go with us on tour.

The moment we enter I just want back out, so I can pretend I never  saw the sight in front of me.

Liam is pale and small looking in the bed. His eyes closed and peacefuly sleeping. His leg is wrapped up in a cast that makes him appear even smaller. You can see a bruise on his chest that just makes my heart ache. He must have been on the ground for a lot longer than we thought.

"At first I thought it was absured that the police are getting involved, but now I hope they find whoever is at fault. When is he going to get a break? What if they had damaged his kideny? Then what? I hate this," Niall cries grabbing Liam's hand and squeezing it.

"What if they say Paul is at fault?" I ask taking a seat beside Liam's bed, watching as our friends chest risies.

I am met with silence and that is how we spend the rest of the night. In silence, watching as our friend sleeps in the hospital once again.

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