Losing Faith and A Long Road (edited)

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Liam's POV 

I have never felt so weak in my life. I sit in the backseat of Louis' car resting my head on Niall's shoulder wrapped up tightly in a blanket that Trisha had brought from her house. Harry sits on the other side of me kind of dozy himself from the pain killers the hospital gave him for his leg and back. Harry ended up having 50 small pieces of glass pulled from his back. To say he is still sore would be an understatement.

"You okay, Liam?" Zayn asks looking back at me from the passenger seat concern in his eyes. I must look about how I feel.

"Yeah, just tired and achy. Are we almost there?" I ask just wanting to be snuggled up in bed. 

"Another hour at most, Liam. Can you hang in there that long?" Louis asks from the driver's seat. 

"I'll be ok I just want to crawl into my own bed and go to sleep for a week," I admit pulling the blanket tighter around my shivering body. I have a pair of sweat pants, a sweater, a sweatshirt, my coat, two pair of socks and boots on but I'm still freezing in the car. 

"Are you still cold?" Niall asks rubbing one of my arms.

"I think it's the fever," I mumble as we go over another bump and my stomach does another flip. I groan the dizzying nausea not going away like it normally does after a bump in the road. I lean over putting my head in between my knees, trying not to throw up in Louis' car. 

"If your going to hurl, tell me I'll pull over," Louis tells me from the front seat concern in his voice.

"I'm fine, can you just try to avoid any potholes or dirt roads? The movement is not agreeing with my stomach and headache," I reply my voice muffled. I feel Niall rub my back comfortingly and I lean into his touch ignoring the protests from my body. Soon the exhaustion from my body takes over and I fall fast asleep.

Louis's POV

"How mad do you think he's going to be when he finds out we aren't returning to London?" I ask after I am sure Liam is asleep.

"I don't know if he's going to really care, I think he just wants to go to bed," Niall replies as gently positions Liam so that he is resting his head on Niall's lap. Zayn takes off his coat from beside me and hands it to Niall.

"Put it between the seat belt and his side. It'll help lessen the discomfort of it pressing in on him," Zayn explains before turning back around in his seat. "Even if Liam does care, it's for his safety and he's going to have to accept that. He could not have really thought that we would let him go back to his house to live on his own. He can barley stand up on his own let alone take care of himself. Plus right now he shouldn't even be near his house. Not with Ruth and Nicola going to court soon. They're still pissed about the restraining order but after their scheme in the hospital they didn't give us a choice. I was really actually starting to not hate them after they helped us get away from our attackers, but they just made me hate them even more now."

"I agree they should never have attempted that, they were trying to kidnap him! I mean I know they have his best interest at heart and are just being protective but taking your drowsy half unconscious brother out of the hospital without his permission is pretty damn stupid. Not to mention when he did eventually come to he would be in a panic. He can't be by himself right now and he wants us by his side not them. He's too shaken up still from what happened and you can't blame him it happened only two days ago. It's going to take him a long time to recover from it and he needs us he made it clear that night that he didn't want us to leave him," I rant as we enter Doncaster. 

"Not to mention the rest of the crazy, psychotic gang of fans. They're not going to be happy when they find out their leaders have been thrown behind bars" Harry speaks up.

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