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Harry's POV

I may finally be out of the hospital but I am not free. I have been stuck in this stupid hotel bed, unable to do anything and everytime I do try to get up the boys push me back down telling me to rest. My leg and arm are heavy from the cast, my entire abdomen aches from the surgery thst they had to do and my tender ribs and my head aches. 

"What are you doing?" I ask Zayn watching as he fixes the secound king size bed up so it's more comfortable. 

"Getting the bed ready for Liam. He's coming here to recover the rest of the way and then once Dr. Salvion has his things finished up here in New York, so he can come with us, you and Liam are okay to travel we'll be back on the road finishing the tour, until then we stay here and rest up," Zayn replies giving me a smile, some of the stress that he has been having over the past couple weeks lessening as Liam's health has improved.

"Is Dr. Salvion bringing him here or are you guys going to go and get him?" I ask watching as Zayn finishes making the bed as comfotable as a hotel bed can be for Liam. 

"Louis and I are going to get him well Niall stays here with you," Zayn replies.

"Like hell I am! I'm still sore," Louis whines from the couch.

"No, you're just love the attention and being taken care of. Plus even if you are still sore it will do you some good to get out of here, walk around and get some fresh air," Zayn snaps back giving Louis a grin.

"Oh and he isn't loving the attention? Come on Harry thrives off of attention!" Louis yells giving me his sassy grin,

"I do not!" I yell back at him sitting up and ignoring the pain from my side. 

"Yes, you do! Attention from the media, the girls, you love it, you little attention seeking slut!" Louis yells back making my jaw drop.

"What?! I am not an attnetion seeking slut! Take that back!" I yell at him throwing a pillow at him.

"Maybe I should leave you two here so you can sort out your relationship issues, or maybe I could find you a nice marriage councler," Niall snickers from the bathroom doorway.

"I hate you all!" Louis yells falling back on the couch dramatically.

"What has you so grumpy, Lou?" Niall asks going over to Louis and drapping himself over Louis.

"I'm just tired of my mum calling me every six hours asking if I'm ok, I'm tired of the nightamres, but I'm tired of worrying, I'm just tired of it all," Louis admits tears filling his eyes. 

"Aw Louis," Niall snuggles into him as Louis hits his breaking point and tears begin to fall down his cheeks. 

Zayn lets Niall and Louis snuggle well he gets on his shoes and coat, anxious to head out and bring Liam back here. 

"I hate to break you two up but we really should be heading out to get Liam. Who's coming with me?" Zayn asks already opening the hotel room door.

Louis wipes his tears away on his sleeve and pushes Niall on the floor getting up. He slides his shoes and jacket on following Zayn towards the door. 

"You're right I need to get out of here and get some fresh air. I'm sorry Harry, I didn't mean those things," Louis comes over to me tears in his eyes, he kisses my forehead and gives my hand a squeeze before heading out the door with Zayn.

"That was weird, and interesting," Niall says getting up off of the floor and heading over to the bed beside me, crawling under the covers beside me. 

"Louis it weird and interesting," I reply grinning at Niall as he turns the TV on to something random.

Zayn's POV

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