Back To Normal? (edited)

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Liam's POV

It's finally here, I am being released today.

"Alright, Liam. You're free to go. Just remember to take it easy for a little while. You're still not fully back to normal. You should also avoid alcohol and drink plenty of water to make sure no damage comes to your kidney. In another week you can have another doctor take off your cast. Make sure you take the medication for your immune system every day; it needs all the help it can get. Now before I release you do you have any further questions for me?" the doctor explains giving me a smile.

"Can I go back on stage?" I ask silently begging that I can, I have missed the thrill of it so much.

"Yes, but as long as you still have your cast I recommend you stay off your feet. If you start to feel unwell during a show, find a way to get off, and don't push yourself. For the first month or two it will probably be quite draining and you might find you'll have no energy by the end but it will be normal, just get some rest afterwards, no partying."

"He can do signings and interviews as well too, right?" Niall speaks up biting his lip anxiously.

"Yes, but when with a lot of people be careful to try to avoid anybody that looks sick. You catching a common cold would put you out of commission for weeks. I hope you boys will watch out for him and take care of him, because getting to know Liam as I have I've noticed he doesn't tell people everything that is going on with him, don't let him shut you out. Watch for signs of him getting sick again, if he looks exhausted make him go to bed, help him avoid alcoholic beverages and be the bad guy once in awhile, tell him he shouldn't do something if it appears he is pushing himself too far," the doctor warns the guys turning away from me.

"Will do, sir and thank you for everything," Harry smiles back before taking my wheelchair all of us anxious to get out of here.

We quickly slip out of the hospital room door finally leaving the room, which had felt more like a cell with each passing day. Once in the lobby we spot one of our security guards waiting for us.

"Where's Paul?" Niall asks for it is normally Paul that meets us.

"Simon called him and wanted to talk to him face to face. Let's get you boys out of here, we're going to have to go out through the ambulance bay for there is no way we can safely get Liam to the car and out of the wheelchair without some problems," he explains leading the way towards the ambulance bay as we follow close behind.

At his words that Paul was called into talk with Simon my heart drops. Simon could very well be firing him at this very moment.

At the ambulance bay a SUV is already waiting for us and a nurse stands at the doors ready to help and take the wheelchair back when I'm safely in the car.

"Alright boys make it quick, we don't want the fans noticing because when they do they'll come running over here and it's the last thing we need right now," our bodyguard warns.

Nodding we hurry out the doors Harry pushing my wheelchair as fast as he can. Once at the car Zayn and Niall each grab one of my arms helping me slide into the backseat of the car, while Louis slides my crutches in and Harry hurries the wheelchair back into the hospital before sliding in behind us.

As soon as we are all in and the doors are closed the driver takes off through the parking lot and away from the hospital.

I settle back into the leather seats after the hospital is finally out of view, relaxing for what feels like the first time in forever.

"You have a show tonight here in the city before we move on. It will be the official concert that kicks off the continuation of the tour. Liam, it is completely understandable if you want to skip this one. There will be plenty of other shows," our security guard goes on. As he talks though I can't help but feel that's it's almost like he is already taking Paul's position as our tour manager.

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