A New Story? A Sequel?

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Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the story! Don't worry there will be a sequel eventually that will involve this mysterious Mors and Liam's family's secrets. I will let you all know WHEN THE SEQUEL IS UP. TILL THEN BE PATIENT! I want to take break from writing this story so I don't get writer's block. 

The sequel won't be for a while though, because I want to finish the aleternate ending and  work on my NEW STORY.

For those of you that are intrested it is a Liam Centric story called Carrier and here is the summary: 

Liam Payne is a boy with a problem and a secret that he has kept for six years, but now as his secret begins to take him he is forced to question who to tell and who to trust. For if the wrong person comes to find out it could mean Liam's freedom. With him being world famous it only puts him and his secret at more of a risk. He is also forced to questions his feelings towards a certain tanned band mate of his and what it would mean if he told him his feelings and his secret. The truth has never been so hard. WARNING: DOES CONTAIN MPREG (MALE PREGNANCY) AND BOYxBOY DO NOT READ IF YOU DO NOT LIKE!!!

I hope you guys will read this story as well. As always thank you for your support! 

Love you all and here is to all new adventures! 

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