Chapter 95

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Grus lunged in with his spear striking Pang Tong with a flurry of stabbing attacks, however Pang Tong managed to surprisingly dodge or block all attacks with his fan from all of them. Grus couldn't understand why, sure he was a dark arcana user but he wouldn't be the type to enhance his own abilities. Would he? As he swiped his spear horizontally to cut his chest Pang Tong rolled beneath the blade. As he stood back right up his shadow arm glowed with a red outline as the forearm covers his face before extending like he was also striking something down with it. The arm released a black sword like projectile attack towards Grus whose eyes widened with shock before he blocked the attack. It was stronger than he anticipated as he found himself being pushed back with his feet grinding against the wall.

With a grunt he manages to deflect the attack to the side. The projectile eventually hits the indented mountain, leaving a scar on it. Pang Tong held his shadow hand up and released several black projectiles from it in the form of sharp shards. Grus twirled his spear to block all the oncoming shards as he walked closer towards Pang Tong knowing he would need to get in close to finish him. Pang Tong stopped releasing the shards before he started to lift up his veil and released a burst of black flame towards Grus immediately. Grus side stepped the flame and jumped with one foot landing on one of the ports of the wall and used that to jump over Pang Tong. Pang Tong flipped backwards doing a hand stand for a split second before jumping up again, landing on his feet. After that however he bent his back backwards as he placed his hands on his hips.

'Aye aye. Looks like you're really serious about this whole thing. Surely you would prefer more tougher opponents to fight more than some hermit surely.' Pang Tong suggested as he stretched his arms and back. Grus shook his head as he gripped onto his spear tightly.

'No, people like you are dangerous and if left alone with the Serpent you'll cause a lot of damage to us. I cannot allow that to happen. Plus I don't really like Arcana users.'

'Oh, now I'm hurt by those words.'

'You'll be slain by my hands soon enough!' Grus interrupted as he sprinted towards Pang Tong again, trying to catch him off guard. Pang Tong managed to block and dodge all the attacks and spit out a burst of dark flame underneath the veil. Forcing Grus to leap back to safety. A soon as the burst of flame dissipated, he quickly entered the fray once again. Pang Tong raised his human arm with his fan high. A sudden gust of wind lifted him in the air as he charged once again. Pang Tong dropped his arm and suddenly the wind as a black pillar materialised in front of him as he was falling and quickly dropped on him. The pillar was faster to drop than Grus as he manged to push himself with his hand using the pillar to narrowly enjoy getting impaled by the tip of it. As soon as it crashed onto the wall, the pillar dissipated. Grus stood up as quick as he could to see Pang Tong look a little exhausted and arrogantly smirked.

'So sorcerer, how's the arcana arts working? Not good is it? Don't worry I'll make sure you won't perform anymore soon enough.'

'Hehe...Is that so?' Pang Tong sinisterly responded as 9 dark tails sprouted behind him, stopping Grus in his tracks. His eyes widened in shock as he gasped. It can't be he thought to himself. If it was impossible. She was killed during the last battle.

'Then in that case I better let someone out.' However as Pang Tong seemed to grow a bit more taller as his robe seem to be lifted further from the ground. His human arm has suddenly become more shadow similar to his other one. Though the fingers moulded themselves to be more in the shape of sharp claws. Pang Tongs eye colour changed to an alluring violet instead, instead of them being filled with amusement they're filled with malice and sadism. His body inside his robes was morphed to become more slender as the robes looked a bit too wide for him now. Grus took a step back out of fear of who this may be. "Pang Tong" breathed heavily for a moment as they look at their hands before opening their mouth behind their veil and snarls viciously as they look at the mystic before them.

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