Chapter 37

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Past the first garrison there were catapults stationed at the end of the path moving forward to the garrison. The crew were ordered to get to the first garrison and fire their boulders against the army to cause damage however because the catapults were heavy and thus took more time to get into position and fell behind as a result.

'C'mon guys we're almost there, the faster we get there the faster we don't have to move these things.' The leader announces in front while the rest of the crew push the catapults known as thunder carts which made the soldiers groan in response.

'Urgh, easy for him to say he who doesn't get to do anything.' One soldiers whispers to another next to him.

'Hey what was that!?' He questioned angrily.

'N-nothing sir.' He replies. He seemed satisfied with this answer.

'Good now c'mon.' He orders. After about five minutes though the men collapse in exhaustion, the leader demands that they stand back up and march however they physically needed a break before they could continue. He sighs in frustration wanting to fulfil his orders quickly as every second that's lost is a second the enemy to gain the upperhand on their forces.

'Alright fine! Everyone you have five minutes! Then we must move out again got it!?' All the crew sigh a breath of relief as some lean on the thunder carts or lie on the floor. They stopped in the middle of a path with a mountain on the left and a thick forest on the right. One soldier leaning on the thunder cart facing the forest piped up when he heard something. It was not a sound he was accustomed to hearing. Everything became silent for him as he looks in the forest. It was so thick the sun couldn't penetrate it, however there it was. In the distance he could see an alluring bright blue light. He fell for the temptation and walked closer to it, wondering what exactly it was. As he got closer to the edge of the forest he hears beastial snarling which stopped him in his tracks. He suddenly sees just below the blue light are bright yellow eyes which pierces his soul as he stares into his eyes. Paralysed by fear he feels his legs turn to jelly however the light or the eyes do not move.

'All right break's over everyone lets move!' The leader orders forcing the soldiers to break eye contact with the light. He looks forwards towards the path and back again. As he turns his head a pike decorated with light blue diamond like spikes around a rectangular tip was thrown into his abdomen pinning him to the catapult. The light source and golden eyes that are locked on like a predator catching his prey. The rest of the crew come around as soon as they hear something. They look in horror as the figure emerges from the forest.

A towering lizard with dark black scales walking like a man appears. He had a crest coming from the top of his skull upwards with 3 main points of the crest in the middle. The two sides with a layer of skin and scales connecting them together, while at the top of the points spikes were showing. He was armed only with a large, circular and scaly shield decorated by bone spikes on the edges. He snarls which shows off his razor sharp teeth. His back were littered bright blue crystallised blocks of diamonds coming out. He was also accompanied by a long black tail with a sharp diamond tip at the end. The soldiers look on in horror, the golden eyes scan them all before starting to walk forwards each of them taking a step back when he does this.

'D-don't panic he's only one! Get him!' The leader orders, the troops hesitated at first but found the courage to attack him. The lizard smirks as they foolishly attempt to slay him. He lunges forward towards them fearlessly. He smacks the first one in the face with his shield away making him fall. He punches the second with his shield making the spikes cut through the right side of his cheek. He blocks an overhead strike and grabs the perpetrator by the neck with his right hand and chokeslams him to the ground making him scream in agony. As he got ever so closer to the pike he throws the shield to his right like a frisbee hitting a soldier diagonally in his chest. The velocity of it throwing him to the ground backwards coughing up blood but still alive...barely. He looks at the soldier impaled by his pike in his eyes to see the fear he was harbinging. The rest of the ones that are still breathing paused once again paralysed with fear.

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