Chapter 71

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As the warriors helped pack up the camp Mitsuko arrived, everyone was deadly silent as they all noticed Mitsuko's new arms. She was fully aware of this, since as soon as she met their gaze they quickly shifted them to the side or on the ground. As they walk past soldiers, the snakes stare at them curiously while tilting their head slightly. Morale was low in the army but hopefully she'll be able to revitalise it. As she was walking around she's approached by Diamondback with his huge halberd being carried over his shoulder with one arm and his circular shield in the other arm.

'My lady, the camp is packed up and the warriors are ready to depart. They're awaiting your orders.' Diamondback stated as he bows his head down.

'Good, I want to speak to them before we depart. It looks they may need it.' Mitsuko responded.

'As you wish my lady.'

'By the way, where is your demon friends, Gyuki and Dodomeki?' Mitsuko asked as she scouts around the camp but nowhere to be seen.

'Heh, those two have kept themselves to darkness for a good while it seems like. I suspect they're around and will hear what you will say however do not worry about that.' Diamondback reassured her.

'Ok...gather the soldiers and I'll just hope I don't fumble my words.'

'At once my lady.' Diamondback bowed again briefly before walking off to gather the warriors.

'Mitsuko? What are you trying to do?' LingQi questions.

'To be honest I have no idea. Trying to steel myself for the future I guess.' Mitsuko sheepishly with a lopsided smile before exhaling. Before long Diamondback managed to gather the troops together making Mitsuko nervous. She was never one for taking control like this but with everything that's happened recently, as she was approaching the camp with LingQi she started to reflect on everything and found she wasn't really that great of a leader. If she was going to change this country to help make the future a bit brighter, she realised she needed to try and be a better leader. And she felt the first step would be to address her soldiers. Whether or not she wanted the responsibility for their lives is irrelevant. She had them now and she needs their help to make her world a reality. She had no idea what it will look like but she thought it had to be better than the one she lived through.

As the soldiers gathered around near the front of the camp, Dodomeki and Gyuki stayed behind though lurking close.

'I wonder what's going on.' Dodomeki stated as he saw the soldiers gathering round.

'I dunno either but it seems like lady Mitsuko is gathering them for something.' Gyuki pointed out as he saw Mitsuko climbing up on some rubble at the centre of attention with her snake arms.

'Wait...why does she have her arms activated now?' Dodomeki mused. The last time she had them like that was last night. Though he theorised that she would bring them out in dire perils or when she's angry or something. Yet here she is, her normal self wearing them like it's the norm for her.

'Would this be the work of that human again?' Dodomeki thought to himself. Gyuki glanced at Dodomeki for a moment before turning to face Mitsuko. He didn't have a chance to talk to Dodomeki about what he envisioned last night. The uproar of soldiers started to die down as Mitsuko stood on a mount of rubble to make herself be seen by everyone. She felt hundreds of pairs of eyes stare at her. She never did do well with so many people watching. Though that was version of Mitsuko that was long gone. Today is a new start for her. Soon only the wind blowing could be heard aswell as the chirping of several birds as they fly over the remnants of the camp. As she stood up on the mount of rubble to see everyone her mouth felt instantly dry, her heartbeat skyrocketed as she looked around at all these soldiers under her command. She took a deep breath and exhaled with everyone looking at her with anticipation while some were staring at her snake arms.

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