Chapter 76

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Two days later, Mitsuko's forces exit the city and made their way to the ambush point while being led by the scouts that discovered their route. Before they departed Mitsuko told her officers of the situation. Though her forces were grateful for the much-needed break and the replenishment of their supplies, they expected to relax for a couple of more days before marching out again. The scouts pushed on ahead and were out of earshot so they couldn't hear the whispers going on within Mitsuko's ranks.

'I don't like this. Lady Mitsuko shouldn't need to play errand girl for diplomacy.' Dodomeki stated, exclaiming his displeasure in this task. Thinking it almost degrading that Mitsuko had to do such menial tasks like this. He could've done it himself but Mitsuko thought it would be better if the whole army moved just in case, they weren't aware of how big the escort would be and she didn't want Dodomeki to overexert himself.

'While I agree that such tasks are beneath our lady, unfortunately she needs to do this to secure this alliance. All we can do would be to help lady Mitsuko achieve her objectives.' Diamondback stated, Dodomeki quietly growls in response.

'I believe my blood brother knows that Diamondback, stating what he already knows isn't helping anyone.' Gyuki defended. Diamondback was taken aback by Gyuki's sudden interruption.

''re right my apologies I did not mean to be so...brash. I just merely believe complaining about the situation will not get us anywhere is all.' Diamondback rubbed his head sheepishly as he quickened his pace. Dodomeki stared at Gyuki, questioning in his mind why he decided to defend him. Gyuki nodded his head and enthusiastically smiled at him at which Dodomeki also quickened his pace. Gyuki whines softly at the behaviour of blood brother but he forged on and caught up with him. While the demons were bringing up the rear, Mitsuko led her forces from the front alongside LingQi and Pang Tong.

'Really? So even the last two days you haven't heard anyone speak or will speak to you about the bandit queen?' Mitsuko questioned. Pang Tong nodded.

'Yep, they seem to not like outsiders or they respect their queen to the point they won't talk to each other about her...maybe both. So gathering intel is very difficult, hence why we have no success yet. However we will keep trying.'

'Great, just what I wanted.' Mitsuko sarcastically exclaimed before sighing.

'I would've thought someone would be able to give you guys something. Oh well, I should've known it wasn't going to be simple.'

'True, but this shows how dedicated her soldiers are to her, which is in itself a sign of the respect they have. Or the lack of information they have on her.' Pang Tong suggested.

'What do you mean?'

'Think about it, no one really knows the bandit queen. She built up such a reputation that people just refuse to believe she exists. A legend. You don't get a reputation like that unless you that's your objective. As to why, who knows. But say if you do join her forces and talk openly about said person, do you believe others will take too kindly to that? Especially those that are close to her? You think they're going to take that lying down?' He asked. Mitsuko pondered this for a moment as her right serpent arm looked at her with a quizzed expression on its face.

'I suppose not. But we don't even know if that's the case though.'

'No. Perhaps I'm looking too deep into this, but it seems to me like she didn't want anyone to talk about her. Especially with the main being in the state that you described. Perhaps the best source of getting intel would be just too...well ask her directly.'

'What? Do you really think she'd tell me everything about her if I ask?'

'Not straight away, but after getting to know her. After all if this alliance does happen then you will be spending more time with each other anyway, discussing strategy and war. It would definitely be easier to get what you need to know in time.'

Romance of the Four KingdomsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora