Chapter 4

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Mitsuko started to walk after the soldiers when she hears rapid footsteps behind her, she turns around to find Liu Bei who seemed to be rushing to get here as fast as he could.

'My lady i'm glad to see you unharmed.' He expressed his happiness with every breath as he pants heavily as he looks around.

'Where are the rest of the forces?'

'The yellow turbans retreated and our forces pursued them not too long ago, I was just about to join them I just needed a bit of a short break after an...interesting fight with one of them.' She responds as she descends the blade of her scythe to the corpse of the headless Guan Hai. Liu Bei seemed stunned at this revelation.

'I did not realise you possessed such strength to take on such a man my lady I'm afraid I underestimated your strength.' Mitsuko looks away feeling slighty ashamed at herself as she felt that she shouldn't need the help of whatever that was.

'Well I had acquired a bit of help so I don't know if I can take credit.' She gripped her scythe tightly but loosened it slightly when Liu Bei put a hand on her shoulder and smiled slightly.

'Even still my lady it is still quite a feat, you should still feel proud of it regardless of whether you had assistance or not.' Mitsuko looks in the direction of the yellow turban main camp.

'Perhaps, but still we have a battle to win still don't we?'

'Ahh quite right my lady, shall we proceed?' He questioned and she nods in reply and they start running past the lane, they run past the corpses that are littered throughout the path however there seemed to be more yellow turbans than han imperial soldiers. They reach the end of the path and they come across another battle in a large area, there were plenty of han and yellow turban soldiers who were defending the large steps that led to an altar behind them vigorously. Mitsuko and Liu Bei joined the battle putting even more pressure on the yellow turban defenders. Liu Bei heard a familiar voice and turned around to see both Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. He rushes to them and reconciles with his brothers, Mitsuko while her eyes were turning into her snake like eyes was continuing her relentless assault on the defenders however instead of using her strength in every swing she was a little smarter, she waited till an opportunity presented itself rather than breaking their defences with pure force.

Everything was going well for the Han until phantom soldiers appeared out of nowhere, these were all dark purple soldiers with no faces or any details about them they looked more like 3D human cutouts. This made the Han soldiers panic and lose morale as everything they did was in vein, their attacks only worked for a split second as they disappeared and reappeared almost 5 seconds later. The only thing they could feel the impact with their swords are the weapons of the phantoms, they can only defend themselves as these phantoms can be on the offensive to what seems to be forever. Mitsuko didn't think these were going to appear, after all this was a thing in the games magic wasn't something that was real in this world. Mitsuko noticed that the three sworn brothers weren't around, she figured they must be on their way to stop this sorcery.

Three phantoms appeared before her and attempted to strike her down, she blocked all three swords with her polearm, she pushed them back with all her might and slashed them all as the saw her scythe make contact with the soldiers they disappeared in a purple smoke. After that she saw that very smoke coming from behind her as it enters her vision. She turns around to see a familiar figure.

'Aha I see you have managed to survived, that is good and no small feat to survive a battle.'

'Ah lord Sun Jian what a surprise.' Mitsuko replies as she strikes down another phantom soldier.

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