Chapter 99

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The next morning Congqian placed himself on the top of the gatehouse, seeing Lu Zheng and her patrol off as they marched away from the city. He closed his eyes and sighed deeply before he heard a familiar chuckle behind him accompanied by light footsteps.

'Ahh I see Lu Zheng is going out on patrol.'

'Yes...I did as you wanted and convinced her. Though it brought me no joy at all.'

'That's good, I would be quite concerned if you didn't feel anything about it considering your close connections.' Pang Tong stated, earning him a sideways glare from Congqian.

'Do not test me strategist. Just because I did this doesn't mean that we are on friendly terms.'

'Oh naturally, that is perfectly understandable but you understand the situation at hand enough that you are willing to work past this and make a difficult choice. A choice I feel is the correct one, though you are free to hate me for it if you so desire.' Pang Tong responded as they both saw off Lu Zheng

'I just hope she does what you say. If the queen-'

'She will, do not worry about that. Her sacrifice will not be in vain.' Pang Tong interrupted. Congqian sighed.

'You are a cold one, you know that don't you?' Pang tong looked up to the sky to the clear cloudless sky with the sun shining brightly.

'Maybe, but that is the nature of being a strategist is it not?' Pang tong asked before he walked away leaving Congqian alone. He looked up the cloudless sky and sighed heavily, hoping he made the right choice.

Pang Tong walked towards the courtyard where he saw the newly transformed troops of Mitsuko training ferociously being led by diamondback. They were in pairs training with various swords and axes. It did look like they were trying to kill each other for real but they always did stop before they delivered the finishing blow, exercising restraint where needed. When duelling with their opponents a few pulled sucker punches and cheap shots to get a clear advantage over the enemy while a couple tried teaming up and attacking another member. Diamondback did not discourage this, he simply oversaw them with his arms crossed, he understood that on the battlefield there are no rules so training like that will give them the upper hand. As a demon, he understood honour didn't have much of a place on the battlefield as victory had to be obtained. He smiled proudly of Mitsuko's new demonic troops.

'I see that our new recruits have gotten used to their new forms I take it?' Pang Tong asked as he walked up to Diamondback who nodded in response.

'Quite, they pick up things quick and are able to exert control rather than giving in to their primal instincts. The last battle helped with releasing that built up aggression that built inside them.' Diamondback explained.

'Indeed, it was a good thing they changed when they did. They are quite terrifying in battle. It's a good thing they're on our side. However though, do tell me how they came to be? As I recall these were the yellow turbans that I left with you from Xia Pi correct?' Diamondback turned and his eyes widened slightly by this as he didn't expect the strategist to ask that question.

'Yes...they were. Now though they are not simple bandits fighting for a lost cause, they are now full-fledged demons ready to fight for lady Mitsuko. Our Ophidian warriors.'

'Haha, you already gave them a name huh? That is fine, they'll bring terror to our foes soon enough, however you haven't answered yet how they came to be old friend.' Pang Tong pressed the issue a bit further, Diamondback looked a little nervous as his eyes darted away from him.

' is not a particularly pleasant thing I must admit are you sure you would want to know?'

'I do indeed, knowledge is a powerful tool after all.'

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