Chapter 72

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Mitsuko's forces started to move out with renewed vigour. With Mitsuko and her human allies leading the army from the front as her demonic allies brought up the rear. Even though the journey is taking longer than planned, Mitsuko's words echoed in their minds. Their rations are slowly wasting away with no sign of replenishment needed. Though no one was deterred. LingQi noticed that Mitsuko started to smile more genuinely which she thought was a good sign.

'Hey Pang Tong, how long left till we reach her headquarters?' Mitsuko questioned her strategist as she started to tire this seemingly endless march.

'Well its difficult to say, bandit hideouts tend to be hidden for a reason. But if what I hear is correct it shouldn't be too much longer.' Pang Tong answered.

'I hope that's the case, even though they're keeping their spirits high they must be exhausted.' Mitsuko responds as she glances at the soldiers behind them who keep on marching. The demons meanwhile stay silent, even during the camp they keep watch especially Dodomeki who was noticeably more different even to his demon brethren. He would walk in front of them out of earshot of their conversations.

'Have you found out anything about him yet?' Diamondback whispered.

'No I haven't had the chance, he rushes of to scout the perimeter of the camp so fast I can't keep up with him.' Gyuki responded.

'Grr, why can't the infernal cyclops just open up?'

'That's just who he is, you know how stubborn he can be.'

'Don't I know it...if he keeps this up he may end up a liability to lady Mitsuko.

'Watch yourself Diamondback, that is still my blood brother you're talking about. He wouldn't do anything to become a liability to lady Mitsuko.' Gyuki threatened as he lowers his voice, something the lizard demon wasn't used to.

'Maybe not intentionally, if he keeps feeling like this though and doesn't snap out of it he may do something even more stupid. And we can't afford that right now. Especially given the change of our lady's expression as of late.' Diamondback pointed towards Mitsuko. Gyuki looked forward as he saw Mitsuko smiling...a familiar smile something he hasn't seen since...since.

'Hey look at that, our lady has made a friend. I've never seen her smile like that before.'

'I know...I hate to say it but it is unusual for her to be doing that. Still, I'm glad she's able to feel happiness.' Dodomeki responded with his arms crossed as they both onlook Mitsuko and her friend from above.

'Though...I just hope this human doesn't take it away from her.' Dodomeki lowered his voice though Gyuki brushed it to one side and slapped him on the back.

'Ah c'mon look, their smiles are genuine. There's no way she'll hurt her.' Gyuki reassured Dodomeki though he wasn't entirely convinced.

'One can only hope.'

After that vision seemed to fade Gyuki found himself clutching his head with Diamondback next to him trying to offer support.

'Oi you ok there? You just dropped down for a second there, something wrong?' Diamondback asked. Gyuki looks forward to see Dodomeki glance at him, their eyes meet. Gyuki could something strange in Dodomeki's golden eye. Dodomeki kept walking like forward as Gyuki stood up.

'Dodomeki knows something.'

'What?' Diamondback asked in confusion.

'I saw something, this happened last night aswell. Me and Dodomeki were watching lady Mitsuko just like before but it seemed to be in her time or something.'

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