Chapter 105

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Two weeks had passed since that day, since then Zhang Yan had kept to himself in his palace while he sent his advisors and officers to keep the men under control. After the volley of the dead unleashed by Mitsuko's forces the morale of the mountain king diminished immediately especially since a good portion of the defenders are normal civilians who were thrust into this position, not hardened warriors. Every now and again a catapult fired a huge boulder into the city, sometimes crushing a person or two, sometimes just crushing buildings into oblivion. The men don't see how they can get out of this, if they think of surrendering Zhang Yan would kill them but if they don't Mitsuko will kill them. Who's to say she will even spare them? That's what other senior officers said at least anyway, but they must fight...for their families...though how could you fight against one such as her they thought secretly to themselves. Luna and Jinzha were on the walls, Jinzha was upright and pacing around thinking what to do while Luna sat on one of the embrasures in a more casual manner. She found herself able to relax more, rather than being stiff like before, like some sort of shackles on her were released.

'Grr, this serpent why is she stalling things out?' Jinzha growled, annoyed at this siege more than anything. Not understanding why Mitsuko hasn't breached through the walls yet, she has the tools to do so! The old Orochi would've done this and he would've been crowned the yellow emperor by now.

'I don't know, but it could be another fear tactic or simply starving us out?' Luna answered. Though Jinzha shook his head.

'No, that can't be. Orochi has never been one for dragging things out. The longer she stalls this offense, the more chance other mystics may appear we cannot allow that to happen.'

'Maybe that's the problem.'

'What?' Jinzha asked, looking confused at his subordinate.

'Well, if she's this different from the previous incarntions maybe you should treat her like a different entity entirely.' Luna replied. Jinzha thought about this for a moment, she did have a point. If she is this different, she may have a different personality and thus could be goaded. Yes, if he could just provoke an attack on her, this stalling could be proof she doesn't think she's ready. If she's provoked into attacking, it could turn into his advantage.

'You may have a point Luna...You fought with these demons before, did you come across anything unusual as you fought them?'

'My lord?'

'If Orochi has indeed changed, her followers may also have changed. You fought on the frontlines this cycle against them, what do you believe?' Luna looked at the ground, she was a bit surprised to take her comment as seriously but secretly she relished this feeling of superiority. Her own lord not having the knowledge necessary. She could lie, she could tell the truth, she could bend the truth to fit her agenda. But she stopped herself before going too far. She questioned why she felt this way now of all times...but it was less about being shocked or repulsed by the idea but more...fascination especially nowadays.

'Luna?' Jinzha asked. Noticing Luna hasn't answered her at all, this was not like her, however the last couple of months hasn't been easy and did notice a gradual change in her over time. He chalked it up to stress since this cycle was not like the previous ones, however that did not dissuade fears over his subordinate.

'Oh, my apologies my lord. Now that you mention it, there was something off about them.'

'How so?'

' these soldiers here they are following orders, however these demons and her human soldiers...they follow her not out of fear but out of loyalty.'

'Loyalty? To that serpent? The demons were always loyal.'

'Yes but this was different. Its difficult to explain without fighting one for yourself. When I was fighting one...I managed to injure it before I said something, something about the serpent dying and enraged. But not like a wild animal but...more like it actually cared and wanted to defend her at all costs. I never saw anything like that from a demon.' Luna struggled to explain it, she tried to hide her fascination in her voice as it could be mistranslated as tolerating them especially to someone like Jinzha.

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