Chapter 21

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Mitsuko was walking to her school like normal dressed in her normal school uniform and bagpack. It's been a week since she and Akari had talked to each other, what once were late nights filled with joyous laughs and talks ended up turning into regretful silence. She knew she had to apologise very soon but she didn't know how to convey her feelings into words to express her shame but she knew she had to do it ASAP.

As she sees the entrance of the school she also notices the rather unusually large crowd hovering in front of the doors. She slowly makes her way towards the crowd and starts to barely hear whispers of concern and fear. She quietly makes her way to the front of the crowd and sees her lying there in a pool of her own blood. She doesn't know how to react or feel she's too shocked to react. Once she realises what was going on everyone around her fades away except for herself and the new corpse. She turns around frantically wondering what was going on. Suddenly she hears a familiar voice overridden with death.

'Why...' The corpse stood up when Mitsuko wasn't looking. She got horrified and tried to run but find she couldn't move her legs. She was paralysed and could only watch as the corpse of her friend shambled towards her with her face looking down at the floor aswell as her arms not moving from in front of her. Mitsuko's heart raced with fear as she got closer, she thought her heart was going to explode out of her chest. Moments later she was so close she could feel her deathly breath hit her face. She quickly raises her arms and pins her up against the school door that magically appeared behind her.

'Why... did you...' She raises her face to meet hers and reveals her bloody skull. Mitsuko turns her head as she got closer to her face.

'Abandon mee!!??' She screams like a siren in her face as Mitsuko screams in fear.

Mitsuko woke up hyperventilating along with her heart still beating rapidly inside her chest. It takes her a few seconds to regain her bearings as she looks around her Spartan room.

'For fucks sake!' she whispers to herself with frustration as she gets up. There's no use in getting any more sleep she knows this. Her breathing after a short while got slower as well as her heart beat. After she calmed herself down she donned her armour and grabs her weapons. She faces the door closed and took one last breath before opening the door feeling that she needs to take a walk. As she opens she's surprised to see LingQi who looked like she was going to do the same thing on her side. On the horizon was the sun starting to rise, the golden light shines behind her making her at the exact angle similar to an angel to some. Mitsuko's heart skips a beat as she saw this rather magnificent sight in front of her. They both quickly regain their composure after being caught.

'Oh hello there.' Mitsuko greeted as she sheepishly looks to the side as LingQi did the same

'Ahh greetings Mitsuko, my apologies I thought I heard something and was going to I see that there was no need for me to do so.'

'Ahh damnit I actually did scream out loud then and what's worse I must've woken LingQi up! Shit think Mitsuko get out of this situation!' She mentally shouts as herself as she rubs the back of her head in embarrassment.

'Oh yeah sorry about that I just realised I...erm...I had to train the new recruits some more. You know what they're like.' Mitsuko jested as LingQi chuckles.

'Quite, though if hate it that bad you don't have to do it if you don't want to.' She responds with some concern escaping with her words.

'Well its not like I really hate it it's just can be a bit exhausting is all.' Mitsuko attempted to salvage the situation.

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