Chapter 91

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A few days later it was standard routine at the lair of the bandit queen. A light patrol was on the rolls and another patrolled around the city itself, keeping the peace. Mitsuko and LingQi was also present during this patrol to keep themselves busy but only the two of them. Diamondback stationed himself on the walls along with Pang Tong who were anticipating an attack by the mystic forces soon. Pang Tong finished his preparations, it was only a matter of time. His trap was laid out, Mitsuko's catapults were constructed and hidden in the city. Now that his preparations have been finished, he would now need to consider what will happen after the battle. Depending on the number of the enemy and their losses it should be beneficial for both Mitsuko and the bandit queen to launch an offensive campaign. Though he suspected the queen may be unwilling to send troops if they suffer too many losses. If that is indeed the case, he must find a way to force her hand, for that is what a strategist does.

'So how long do you think it will take until we can go on the offensive?' LingQi asked.

'I don't know, I was thinking shortly after the baby is delivered. Once the bandit queen recovers fully after that we should be able to start the attack on our side for a change. Would make a good change of scenery over the usual raids and the like.' Mitsuko answered while keeping her voice down while smirking, itching to have a good battle. However also being careful not to spread gossip.

'Do you think she'll comply? Despite her being our ally, she is still a bandit who may leave us for her own gain. After all, we are the ones who are pulling our weight here.' LingQi responded. Still concerned about her bandit ally. Even though she wouldn't doubt Mitsuko's judgement, she can't help but be concerned about their potential betrayal of Mitsuko.

'Nah she'll pull through. I know she will. She wants these mountains too much, sure there's been some bumps along the way for her, but she'll pull through for us.' Mitsuko confidently replied.

'Though I must admit, her husband on the other hand may be a bit of a trickier obstacle to overcome.'

'Indeed, he always seem to have a defeated look about him. Guilty of his past perhaps.'

'What, are you feeling sorry for the bastard?' Mitsuko chuckled, amused at such a concept.

'No of course not...though it must not be easy to try to earn forgiveness when you know you don't deserve it.' Mitsuko stayed silent for a while after that, quickly remembering what happened with her and LingQi during that fateful encounter in the forest. LingQi realised what Mitsuko was thinking about during the long silence.

'Oh no Mitsuko I didn't mean-'

'No don't worry its fine, its just...its been a while since I remembered those events you know? It just feels like a lifetime ago.' LingQi smiled softly at her.

'I know what you mean, I suppose we've just grown accustomed to living here, even if it is temporary.'

'Yeah.' They both stayed in silence hearing only the ambience of idle chatter around the streets.

'Can't be that pretty for Jiang though as well, married to him of all people. Even though its clear she's calling the shots can't be easy to tolerate him.' Mitsuko stated as she stretched her snakes high in the air vertically. They softly hiss while they open their jaws wide almost like they were yawning.

'Quite, a marriage born of obligation...I couldn't imagine that would lead to happiness.' LingQi responded, her eyes darted to the ground and her pace quickened slightly. Remembering when she was told she was going to be married off. Mitsuko seeing this immediately grabbed a hold of her hand with one of her serpent jaws stopping LingQi in her tracks. She turned around and glanced at Mitsuko, wondering why she did that. Mitsuko panicked, she didn't expect her body to just do that on its own.

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