Chapter 90

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The 3 remaining mystic soldiers loyal to Jinzha was preparing the ritual while waiting for their sacrifices and Lord Jinzha. They sat around at 3 equal distance points in the shape of a triangle. The shape itself was big enough to house a small army. They muster the strength within themselves as light teal markings began to sear into the earth as they started to shine brightly and start to slowly create a wall of light that started to rise from the edges. However, they were quickly dropped once the mystics heard horses galloping in the distance, they thought it was Jinzha with their sacrifices. They all stood up and waited for them however they were confused as they saw only a few human cavalry riders with him, they wondered what was going on. They started to gather and as the horses were close enough, they stopped and dismounted. Jinzha dismounted while his loyalists bowed respectfully on one knee. Jinzha allowed them to stand up.

'My lord? Where are the soldiers? And what's with your...escort.' Grus asked. One of the guards shot him a glare but he was not fazed by simple intimidation tactics.

'It seems Zhang Yan would like me to remain by his side.' Jinzha stated, the venom still present in his voice.

'What? But why?'

'It is a rather complicated situation to be sure, so suffice to say I will not be able to participate in the siege.' He announced sadly. The others looked shocked.

'But my lord without you the...we need you with us.' Lyra replied. Luna stayed silent and lurked behind the two loyalist and couldn't help but feel a sense of...satisfaction seeing lord Jinzha have a regretful look in his eyes. Part of her knew it was wrong to feel this way, however her sense of morality was slowly dwindling. If only she could've been there when Zhang yan gave him the news, oh it would've been a sight to behold.

'I know, but alas I am needed elsewhere, I leave this matter to you. Good luck.' He extended his hand to Lyra who looked at it oddly and hesitated before shaking his hand. They felt something being handed to them as the hands met. They quickly hid their arm behind their back, thinking it was a secret message or something.

'Ok that's enough, lets go.' One of the guards stated bluntly, angering Grus and Lyra.

'How dare you address him-'

'Its alright Grus, do not worry.' Jinzha interrupted before facing his guard.

'Ok I am ready, lets go.' The guard all nodded in unison as they made their way to their mounts. As Jinzha mounted his horse he glanced back at them one last time before riding off. Lyra quickly turned her back to them and looked at her hand which seemed to have a scroll.

'What's that?' Grus asked.

'Its coal, what do you think it is?' Luna asked sarcastically. Grus was taken aback at Luna's sudden remark, she was not known for those. Lyra ignored them and opened the paper which seemed to be a scroll of some kind. Lyra opened up the scroll to find it was a letter from Jinzha.

To my loyal subjects, that fool Zhang Yan has found out about the mystic realm. I do not know how and as a result he wishes to pick my brains about it. And if I refuse his request then he will not besiege the settlement and we need that to happen. We do not have the soldiers necessary to do that ourselves or do an infiltration mission so I will entertain him...for now. I know I need to be the one to slay her to be the emperor so I will ask this of you. If you cannot capture the serpent and bring her back here to me make sure the siege fails. Use that as a last resort and do your best to bring her to me alive and as quick as possible. Continue the ritual and capture the serpent or entice her back here. I am counting on you. Jinzha.

They finished reading the notes and Grus tightened his grip around his spear in anger.

'How dare he hold lord Jinzha hostage like that for his own malicious purposes! Does he not know who he's dealing with?'

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