Chapter 66

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Sometime later as the moon shone brightly in the sky, LingQi packed up her things and started to sneak out of the camp, staying as quiet as possible as to not alert anyone. The rest of the forces are either sleeping or on scout duty which gives LingQi a clear way to exit the camp without being spotted. As she thinks she exited the camp, she glances behind her. Her mind briefly returns to Mitsuko. She knew she shouldn't care, she was the reason she was alone after all, by all accounts she should just despise her and claim her head. Yet...when it comes to that, some part of her just...can't ever imagine doing anything like that to her. If she lingers too much on that thought she found herself struggling to breathe, repulsed by herself. Yet she knew she can't just stay here, the betrayal Mitsuko performed is just...too much for her heart to handle at the moment. She places a hand on her chest as she breathed in and exhaled. As she looked away and readied herself to leave, she heard a familiar chuckle.

'Are you sure you wish to leave things like this with Lady Mitsuko?' LingQi turned around to see Pang Tong leaning against a tree with his hat tilted down. LingQi turns away while sighing.

'You know full well I can't stay here. Not anymore. How can I after what she did?' She asked. Pang Tong stopped leaning and put his hand on his chin covered by his mask.

'Hmm, that's a toughie alright. Have you considered talking to her about it?' Pang Tong enquired.

'Of course, that's how I came to this realisation in the first place.'

'Did you really talk or was it a case of just yelling at each other?'

'Tch.' LingQi looked away, not wanting to admit that he was right about that. Still, its not like talking would make much difference anyway. Its not like it bring her father back to life anyway, so there was no point. Pang Tong sighed as he rubbed he stretched his back.

'Well, either way its not like I can stop you anyway. I just hope you don't come to regret it later on.'

'Are you threatening me?' LingQi glared daggers in Pang Tong who put his hands up as his right one held his large fan.

'Oh heavens no, I just don't wish you to regret anything as major as this is all, especially when potentially it could be resolved easily.' Pang Tong explained.

'Tch, don't try to act all innocent, you were all involved and you hid the fact from me. You're all just as guilty!' She declared angrily leading to Pang Tong to chuckle...which made her mad.

'Oh of course we are, of that there is no question. Perhaps we should've did things differently but at the time we thought that was the best way to proceed, my apologies for the deception lady LingQi.' Pang Tong bowed respectfully at LingQi who turned around, her back now to him.

'So where will you go then? Its not like you have a lot of options.' Pang Tong pointed out.

'I'm not sure, this is the first time I've ever actually been really alone. Its...terrifying truth be told.' LingQi admitted as she had trouble just taking that first step away. Her heartbeat skyrockets but she wonders why it was just so difficult to leave. Why can't she just go just like that.

'My you hate us that much?' Pang Tong questioned seriously. LingQi turned her whole body to face him. She went to answer before she stopped herself to think about this.

'Its just that, if you don't hate us that much it is unusual for you to throw yourself at something that terrifies you to get away. Unless you have something to prove.'

'What would I have to prove? And to whom?' She queried, unsure of the point he's making. Pang Tong shrugged his shoulders in response.

'No idea.' He chuckled as LingQi sighs.

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