Chapter 75

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Morning came, the sun shone brightly onto Mitsuko's vagabond unit as they all awoke. Their morale improved as they packed up and made their way to the walled city of the bandit queen herself. They couldn't see much save for the sturdy walls. When the camp is packed up Mitsuko's forces immediately made their way to the castle. As they approach they notice watchtowers being stationed around on the path, stationed with a couple of guards to make sure they alert the main city of invaders. A quick glimpse of these warriors dressed in bandit attires with simple rags and cloths while being armed with a bow and arrow. They glanced down and noticed Mitsuko's figure, they matched the description that Lu Zheng gave them. They let them pass. After traversing the land for a couple of hours of marching they finally reached the gate. To their surprised the gate opened as they approached.

The small army entered the building and was surprised to see the city bustling with people, like a proper city. They had the preconception that the quality of life would be detoriated due to them being bandits but its surprisingly civilised to them. It was just like any other cities, however though it is odd they still don't have proper armour for their soldiers. As they ventured further into the city, trying to reach the centre of it they see bystanders minding their business but staring at them as they walk past. Viewing them with suspicious eyes. They eventually reached the main square they are quickly approached by a squad of bandit soldiers with forest green coloured simple clothing armed with bow and arrows with swords.

'I presume you are the serpent that lady Lu Zheng spoke of?' The bandit at the front asked. Mitsuko looked at him oddly and then stared at serpent.

'You know...I'm not quite sure. Let me check. LingQi, do you think I'm the serpent. I would know myself but for the life of me I can't seem to find anything to suggest otherwise.' Mitsuko sarcastically questions LingQi as her serpent heads slither in the air, LingQi couldn't help but giggle about at her antics. The bandits glared at her with an annoyed expression.

'Of course, in any event the bandit queen herself wishes to see you in person...alone. Your soldiers can stay in the castle if they so wish. If you would like to follow us.' The bandit stated.

'What about the people behind me?' Mitsuko questioned.

'They can integrate themselves in our city if they wish but they are not to cause any chaos, we will not hesitate to silence those that don't conform.' He threatened. Though Mitsuko was unfazed.

'Noted, give me just a couple of minutes to explain that to them ok?' The bandits looked at each before retreating away as Mitsuko turned towards her relatively small army.

'A welcoming bunch, aren't they?' Pang Tong whispered as he chuckled.

'I know, really makes you feel right at home doesn't it?' Mitsuko jested though turned serious as she faced the rest of the officers.

'Make sure no one causes chaos, last thing we need are potential diplomatic incidents just because of a couple of drunken idiots. Intergrate yourselves the best you can and try to get some info. I want to know how things work around here so we're not totally fumbling in the dark while we're here.' Mitsuko ordered. All the officers nodded their heads.

'Good, I'll see you all later and I'll let you know what comes out of this meeting.' Mitsuko smirked as she went to the bandit group.

'Ok, lead me to your bandit queen.' They complied and they led her further into the city. A few minutes later they reach what would normally be considered the governors house. Outside of the entrance had two skeletons impaled through the map with what seemed to be flag poles that are planted at the furthest point on opposite sides of the entrance. They opened the large steel doors to reveal a large hall with various tables and chairs, some are which are broken with expensive cloth and other expensive materials painted white decorated around the hall in the form of banners hanging on the otherwise dull, colourless walls. Though many are them are ripped, shredded and stained with blood that was spilt a long time ago. Various corpses litter the tables with various holes in their bodies along with slash lines from axes and swords, mostly from the back at first glance. It was strange to see the main hall of the governor's palace to be in such...disarray compared to the rest of the city which looked like a normal city. She took a quick glance at the guards posted at every pillar that held the ceiling. Each of them are armed with a guando and a bow and arrow though they still look like any regular old bandit. She looked forward and then she saw her, the bandit queen.

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