Chapter 60

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A/n: this is a good time for you all to take a break and drink. Its ok, this story won't go anywhere. 

That night cheers could be heard from the bandit camp as they organise their loot and plunder into various crates as they all drink and be merry.

'Ahahaha look at all this stuff we got! We're eating good tonight men! With this many supplies lord Zhang Yan can finally go on the offensive against those goddamn nobles! All that had to be done was to slay a few villagers. Who needs them when we have master Zhang Yan!?' The leader states while holding a crude looking spear above while standing on a box, overlooking his fellow bandits. Wearing plain black clothes with an open vest to reveal his muscular abdomen.

'Tomorrow we'll be off to deliver these supplies to master Zhang Yan however for today we drink and be merry, we earned it men! Soon not even that infernal bandit queen won't even stop us!' Everyone cheers as they start drinking and feasting on various foods. The camp was bustling with the drunken joys of merry men as they started to sing various songs and dancing soon after. During all this Mitsuko manages to simply stroll in, she's surprised that she's inside and no one is trying to stop her. She looks around as she sees the bandits too busy drinking to notice her. Though when she was examining her surroundings, she accidently bumps into quite a large bandit who stumbles forwards and spills some of his drink. He turns around angrily.

'Hey watch where you're...oh hello there.' His anger disappeared as he saw Mitsuko's face and realised she was a woman.

'What's a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this? Those are some awfully sharp toys you have there.' The bandit states, Mitsuko knew what he was doing and she wasn't going to have any of it.

'Yeah no I'm not doing this.' Mitsuko quickly raised her scythe and cleaves through his throat. She struck so quickly the bandit couldn't even reach for his blade in time as he grasped his wound tightly however the blood was still flowing between his fingers and down his neck before he promptly fell to the ground. His two friends quickly drew their blades and shouted at her.

'hey what do you think you're doing!?' They shout, getting everyone's attention.

'What do you think?' She demonically smirked before slashing diagonally at their torso's. Slaying them instantly. Everyone around her now draws their weapons and surround Mitsuko. However, they take a couple of steps back as the leader emerges from the group to stand face to face with Mitsuko. His weapon drawn and ready to spill blood.

'Who are you intruder?' The leader demands

'The names...Mitsuko.' She twitches before stating her name. A couple of hushed whispers spread throughout the camp. The deeds of the serpent had spread to some of the bandits.

'The serpent herself? What brings you here to our humble camp?' The leader questions, wary of why she's here in the first place. He heard a couple of tales of how she dismantles her opponents and duelled one of the tiger's cubs and lived to tell the tale.

'Word reached to me that you have supplies, supplies I need for my soldiers so if you don't mind, I'm going to be taking them.' Mitsuko requested. Trying the diplomatic game however she hopes that falls apart very quickly. The leader laughs at this, not taking her seriously.

'Is that so? Well I'm sorry to say but we can't give you any, these need to go to master Zhang Yan, the time of the mountain bandits has come!' The rest of the bandits cheer as their leader declares this. Mitsuko sinisterly smirks. Her reptilian eyes starting to appear.

'Really? Well sorry to say but I'm going to be taking them.'

'Oh yeah? Hahaha, have you not noticed you're surrounded by the strongest bandits in the land what can the serpent do on her own?' He questions while arrogantly smiling. Though that smile is quickly replaced with blood as Mitsuko quickly sliced his neck with her crescent blade. The leader crashes to his knees as he holds tightly to the wound to prevent more blood from flowing however he can't. He feels his strength waning, he glances around at his men to see them all paralysed with fear. Only silence filled the air, he looked up to see Mitsuko's wide demonic grin on her face. With that the body fell to the ground as blood seeps through the wound, staining the earth. As the body crashes the bandits take a step back away from her. In one swing she manages to kill their leader.

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