Chapter 11

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Mitsuko awoke the next morning, the first thing her eyes laid upon as she wakes up is the sword that is only centimetres from her eyes. She gasped as she tried to move back in shock however she quickly remembered she went to sleep in a small corner as she bangs her head on the wall. She winces slightly and rubs the back of her head as she stands up. She wondered what was up with the sword as she grasps the handle and carries it with her left hand along with her scythe on the right. She exits the room and strolls towards the front of the building where to her surprise there is a bag of coins on the worn out desk with the old man tending the building nowhere to be seen. She wondered what happened however she thought that maybe if there's no one here maybe this was a gift to say sorry. She didn't know for certain but the thought tempted her too much as she attached the pouch of coins to her sash and walked out the building. She was surprised to see the village absolutely deserted and the sun higher than she is used to as she wakes up. She looked down and saw a few splatters of blood near her position she wondered what happened when she hears a familiar voice spoke behind her.

'They were slain by a group of bandits that arrived in the night. They put up a rather futile resistance against them but eventually they were all slain. I believe the corpses were taken to be food for the wild animals.' Mitsuko looked behind him to see Dodomeki with his arms crossed and leaning on the wall of the building she just exited.

'If that's the case why would they leave me alive?'

'Who truly knows? Maybe they just felt sorry for you or thought you were already dead I don't truly know.' Dodomeki shrugged his shoulders however Mitsuko though there was something a little off with this situation.

'If that's the case why did I spot a sword in front of my face when I woke up? They could've made sure I died. ' She expected an answer from Dodomeki straight away like he always did except this time he hesitated for a small while. Almost like he forgot about the sword.

'Well I may or may not have had anything to do with that. However do note I may not be able to do anything like that again, they could've killed you. You will need to be more careful in the future especially isolated in foreign lands you have no idea what people are like...or how desperate they might be.' Mitsuko looked down at the ground. Partly in shame for not realising this sooner however she started to understand how things worked. She can't keep trusting everybody she comes across and just hope that nothing will happen to her. She should've kept her guard up, however she didn't hear or feel anything at all so it was difficult for her...however maybe she shouldn't be too quick to fall asleep if that's the case at least if she's alone.

'Thanks I'll keep that in mind.' She replied as she looked up at him.

'And thanks for saving me I appreciate it a lot.'

'Tch don't worry about it. Just be more cautious in the future.'

'I will do not worry...wait didn't you say I'd be able to see the alliance army from here? I can't see them at all.' Mitsuko stated as she walks towards the entrance and tries to spot the alliance army but to no avail.

'That is probably because it is a few hours after dawn.' Mitsuko couldn't believe it. No wonder the sun was abnormally higher than usual.

'What!? Damnit I missed them, I don't normally sleep this late what happened!?' She yelled out loud, Dodomeki regretted putting that much strength into his sleep charm but he didn't know how well she would take it.

'Don't worry you know where they're going don't you?'

'Yeah Si Shui gate.' She stated.

'You also know where it is don't you?'

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