Chapter 52

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While secretly traversing a hidden path in the forest the carriage moved slowly with LingQi in the cart. She sighed sadly as she's just waiting now, unable to do anything. She felt so powerless to do anything yet she had to accept her fate. She wondered if things would have turned out different if she didn't retaliate...though that meant Mitsuko being hurt and that was something she couldn't abide by no matter how much she didn't want this fate. As long as she was ok that was all that mattered. She hoped Yuan Shu would accept the negotiations and send reinforcements to the siege to help both Mitsuko and her father.

She glanced at her weapons that were on the opposite side of the carriage and strokes one of the blades slightly, she wished to wield them in battle just one more time though she knows that they'll more than likely will just dull and gather dust in a treasure trove or something, that's what really upset her the most. Weapons are used to fight not to be ogled at by pretentious nobles to gloat about. At this point though she just hopes Yuan Yao was...tolerable though she doubts it since nobles in general in her opinion seem pretentious and stuck up. She suddenly felt a slight rumble in the carriage, though she reckons its nothing to be concerned about. Could just be a rather heavy boar attempting to catch their prey far away. However the slight rumbles soon became violent enough to actually shake the carriage. LingQi didn't know what was going on or what could be causing it? Could the ground itself be splitting apart? Besides the rather violent shaking of the carriage she could also hear what seemed to be stomping and they got progressively louder as the shaking got more violent. When she heard the final thud literally next to her she suddenly found herself rolling along with the carriage as if something just flipped it over. She's bashed against all the walls before suddenly it stops. She sat up and felt a bit bruised all over but she thought she would live. She looked forward to find that the door to the carriage is above her while the other door is behind her, completely blocked by the ground.

'Oh no I may have overdid it. I hope she's ok.' She heard a voice...a demonic voice though it sounded like there was genuine concern. She didn't know what was going on. Both her blades landed on both sides of her. LingQi while unsure about the situation was ultimately grateful for this as she figured it would give her a chance to wield her blades in battle once again. She heard more stomping noises yet again and got closer, this time though she could also hear breathing...almost just like a giant boar of some kind. The door slowly opens, LingQi caught a glimpse of the cloudy sky for a moment before being blocked by a giant grey hand. It attempts to reach in though only being able to fit in an index finger. Instinctively LingQi grabs one of her weapons and strikes at the creature. She could only manage to get a graze on it though to her dismay though apparently that was enough.

'Oww!' the voice whined as it took out of the carriage. Though with the momentum of the pull it manages to upright the carriage. LingQi climbed out and can't believe what she saw as she stared at it. A giant boar standing on two legs with giant tusks armed with a giant club weapon and a rather small burgundy coat for his size.

'That hurts you know.' Gyuki stated as he started to put the finger in his mouth to stop the wound from bleeding too much all over his hand. LingQi just wore a confused expression on her face, not sure on how to proceed.

'Just...what are you?' She questioned though keeping a hold on her weapons.

'Oh I'm a demon, my name's Gyuki and you must be Lu LingQi. Nice to meet you.' Gyuki greeted though when he mentioned he was a demon LingQi immediately went into a battle stance.

'A demon? And you know my name? You must be here for my soul...well you will not take it without a fight!' She rushed towards him ready to strike though Gyuki was shocked at this and immediately went onto his knees and bowed down.

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