Chapter 46

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Mitsuko's forces successfully evacuated the city in time, though they can only take a portion of the castles supplies due to the short time limit they had. Mitsuko's forces brought up the rear guard however all the time for the journey she wears a scowl on her face, clearly displeased with her circumstances though she doesn't vocalise it. When the army eventually reached Xia Pi the locals were less than thrilled. As the army marches into the castle the locals bows respectfully, though it was more out of fear and are quickly scattered when the gates close behind the last platoon of soldiers. Chen Gong quickly orders everyone to start preparing the defences as he anticipated an invasion soon. Mitsuko's forces were stationed on the walls by the front gate as the first line of defence. No doubt a way to get her forces eliminated first and then allow the rest of Lu Bu's forces to clean up. Pang Tong could only do his signature chuckle as he hears that from Mitsuko.

'You'd think he'd learn by now don't you think?' Pang Tong asked Mitsuko as they were walking along the top of the walls.

'Yeah he really does hate us doesn't he?'

'Does that bother you my lady?'

'Pfft, please. I can care less about what that man thinks of me. Let him do what he wants. We'll only do the same thing again to him.' Mitsuko stated.

'Haha, of course my lady, although thanks to him our unit has actually grown stronger with minimal losses. So we should really thank him.'

'Is that right? Right well he seems a bit busy at the moment, preparing for the siege so I think I'll tell him after.' Pang Tong heartily laughed at Mitsuko's remark.

'I'm sure he'll appreciate the comment.' That night Mitsuko and her officers enter the barracks for a while to under the suggestion of Pang Tong. Mitsuko was surprised to see that when she walked in that the atmosphere was on a whole different level to what she experienced before. Everyone was being jolly, being rowdy, talking about their experiences in previous battles under Mitsuko's banner

Due to Chen Gongs schemes Mitsuko's soldiers kept to themselves nowadays, even if they were together with the rest of Lu Bu's forces. They disassociated themselves with the rest. Of course, the barracks themselves was the one looked the most unappealing. But the soldiers were still enjoying themselves nevertheless. To Mitsuko it seemed that they thought of each other like brothers more than just soldiers in arms. They all stop as they notice Mitsuko and Pang Tong walk in.

'My lady!' They all stand up and bow respectfully. Mitsuko was taken aback by this, unsure of what to say as all eyes are set on her.

' ease.' She announces, suddenly everyone hesitantly sits back down and returns to their conversation as if nothing happened. Amongst all this, Mitsuko could hear Pang Tong signature chuckle amongst the rowdiness.

'We should give lord Chen Gong a scroll of gratitude seeing as he's the one that made this possible.'

A couple of nights later Pang Tong after meeting with some of his personal scouts to survey the situation and get insight on the enemy's movement. The streets were deserted under a moonless night though countless stars were present up above. Among the deathly silent stroll Pang Tong had he heard another pair of footsteps almost trying to mimic his footsteps to conceal them. He could only perform his signature chuckle as he stopped in his tracks.

'So what can I do for you lord Hao Meng?'

'How did-'

'Did you really think you were being stealthy when you were spying on us my lord? While I do appreciate your ventured interest in our forces you have nothing to be shy about. I'm sure lady Mitsuko would've made you feel welcome.' Pang Tong interrupted with his back to Hao Meng.

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