Chapter 15

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It had been two weeks since Lu Bu received the message about Cao Cao's absence and led his army there. As he moves he still continued recruiting troops and officers to his cause. His army size was still quite small however it was impressive for that of a lord without a land to call his own, something Lu Bu was going to rectify. As they arrived in Yan province and setup camp before besieging Puyang they are greeted by an unusual person dressed in black and purple robes with a black tactician's hat with a thin moustache and goatee, accompanied by a platoon of men. They stroll through the camp as they make their way towards Lu Bu's tent as various others were pitching theirs. Mitsuko looked at him and concluded he was the one who sent Lu Bu the message. He had a specific aura about him, the kind that's sneaky and scheming behind the shadows. He did wonder though why he would betray Cao Cao surely he must've known working with Cao Cao is better than going against him right?

Nevertheless Mitsuko didn't really care she just wanted to stop wandering for a while and this was a good opportunity to do so. She had gotten accustomed to life as an officer and wandering around. People under her call her 'My lady' as a sign of respect, something she still has some trouble adjusting to though she thinks she's getting used to pleased her to actually have respect if not surprising. However she was itching to get back on the battlefield she didn't know why exactly but she knew deep down it actually entertained her...maybe that was all she needed. She still doesn't get too much sleep though from those blasted dreams that curse her that she doesn't understand why they're appearing now of all things. Shortly afterwards a messenger arrived asking her and the rest of the officers to come to the main tent under Lu Bu's orders. She wondered why Lu Bu wanted a meeting with everyone nevertheless she went to meet with him to see what the big deal is.

She arrived at the main tent to find most of the officers here including LingQi and Zhang Liao who were standing next to Lu Bu. All the officers huddled over a table with a map with two large squares with various rectangular with an extra square on top, Mitsuko recognises it as the purple block in tetris. The last one to arrive is the mysterious black and purple robed figure who extends his arms out as he arrives.

'Good evening I am Chen Gong you're new strategist now let's go over the battle plan for tomorrow's battle.' Mitsuko was surprised to learn that this was Chen Gong, Lu Bu's strategist in history he seems more...dramatic than what she had in mind. She always did wonder with a strategist that Lu Bu managed to get in the position he found himself in Xia Pi.

'So as you know Cao Cao's main forces have left leaving only a small defensive force guarding Puyang, defences we can obliterate with ease. Now there are two main castles Puyang castle and Juan Castle. Puyang castle will be the more heavily defended however I have a contact that can make the main army infiltrate the castle without going through the front gates and can get more officers and troops to our cause. However that still leaves Juan Castle. Fortunately I have troops stationed in the castle to open the gates and it is barely defendable so a small strike force can take the castle as the main army takes Puyang. I nominate Zhang Liao to lead the assault he seems to be very competent and say...3 more officers just in case with their respective troops. Let's, you and how about you.' He points to wards Mitsuko and 2 other officers and puts more blue pieces on the map and moves them around.

'Do not worry we will capture Juan Castle from Cao Cao and prove the might of lord Lu Bu's army.' Zhang Liao states.

'Excellent that's what I also aim to achieve. We must move quickly though a messenger was dispatched so ideally the castles will have to be taken before Cao Cao's main army arrives. They'll more than likely arrive at Juan castle first so Zhang Liao your forces will have to lie in wait as the enemy enters the castle and ambush them to decimate their forces.' Chen Gong instructed as he puts more red pieces on the map and moves them at what seems to be the front of the gate.

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