Chapter 80

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A/n: this is a good time for you all to take a break and drink. Its ok, this story won't go anywhere. 

Mitsuko's forces gathered at the front gates before they ventured forth shortly after the scouts to guide them towards the village. Dodomeki volunteered to press forward and scout forward to look for any mystics or black mountain bandits. Mitsuko didn't want to let him, though she thought he would go ahead without her orders anyway. She ordered him to give him regular updates by the hour, at least this way there would be regular intervals where he would have to come back for a short rest at the very least. She figured Dodomeki would be too anxious to fully relax however it reassured her to see him at the camp if only for a little while. Dodomeki agreed and performed his duties as he was ordered to. Every hour he would return for which Mitsuko would keep him around for as long as she could to give Dodomeki a break. Though every second he waited with the rest of the forces before scouting out he was anxious to return to the field as soon as he could. He noticed that his breathing was a little slower as well as his actions. He figured it would be nothing though as he didn't notice it as he was scouting around.

Various soldiers started to feel woozy as they started to sweat uncontrollably as heat started to build up inside them. Their fellow soldiers quickly started to get away from them, even if they felt better afterwards. Though after a day or so they fell back into normal rank and file after not having any other symptom of sickness. Diamondback assured Mitsuko that it was nothing to be concerned about. Mitsuko although had her doubts she forged on. The journey itself was uneventful however eventually they reached their destination of a small village with various fields of crops surrounding it. The main army stayed quite far away as Mitsuko and her officers barring Dodomeki and Gyuki as they were scouting marched forward. The farmers look at Mitsuko's entourage and look at each other nervously as they saw them traverse through a narrow path separating the fields. They whisper to each other with suspicion as they kept their eyes on her as they passed her. Unable to look away from her unusual appearance. Though when she glances back at them with her serpents hissing with hostility towards them, they quickly avert their gaze and try to act busy. As the officers marched halfway through the pathway another met them. He was an old man being escorted by two men dressed in all black with goatees and stoic looking faces armed with crude hand axes. He wore an annoyed expression on his face as he examines Mitsuko and her entourage.

'Who are you people? Why do you disturb us?' He expressed his distaste for their presence which got Mitsuko annoyed but she had to put on her diplomatic face.

'Greetings, my name is Mitsuko and we come from a city to the east around 5 days of travelling. Unfortunately, due to circumstances our food supplies have been diminished as of late. We have heard that you had a stockpile of food. We wondered if you were willing to trade your food with us.' Mitsuko explained. She was wary about mentioning the bandit queen so she presented it as herself. At least that's what she used to justify herself as she had to admit, speaking as if it were her own city felt...right despite the short time she spent there.

'Sorry to hear your position but I refuse. I only trade with the black mountain king, Zhang Yan.' The village leader responded bluntly. Mitsuko was taken aback by his response. Surely he could be persuaded right?

'Is that so? You have a lot a lot of food though, would you not be able to share some at least with us?'

'No. I have no desire to help you.' He stated. His attitude was starting to annoy Mitsuko as she bit her tongue and continued.

'May I ask why? Is it money? We can provide double on whatever Zhang Yan is paying.' The black mountain bandits looked at Mitsuko suspiciously and raised their weapons slightly. Mitsuko's entourage did the same as if meeting the threat of attack head on.

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