Chapter 36

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Months later word reached Lu Bu about Liu Bei and his betrayal. He felt compelled to fight Lu Bu despite trying to maintain his friendship with him. When he sees the people start to suffer under his rule, he knew he needed to fight Lu Bu. However he knew he did not have the necessary manpower to attack him alone. He didn't like to do this after his unhonourable attack on Tao Qian, but Liu Bei looked to ally himself with Cao Cao.

To say that Lu Bu was mad was an understatement. He was furious with his betrayal, Lu Bu looked to Liu Bei as a younger brother of sorts and he felt he did right by him after fighting Yuan Shu for him. To throw all that back into his face was inexcusable. The scouts report that Liu Bei was moving to Xiao Pei controlled by Cao Cao's forces. Lu Bu very quickly gathered his army to march upon Cao Cao's doorstep to show everyone in this land that Lu Bu is a man to not be trifled with. Unfortunately for Mitsuko the order was given earlier than the morning than usual. After she heard the knock she took her time like usual to dons her armour and equip her weapons.

However after she dons her armour she hears the sounds of ...crowds? And yelling? She exits the room and sees what seems to be the whole army mustering and preparing for something big. Mitsuko saw Wu Zi in the crowd and immediately walks towards him through the crowd as he seemed to be helping directing them out

'Hey Wu Zi what's going on?' Wu Zi looks to his side and is surprised to see Mitsuko there and bows respectfully.

'Ah my lady good morning. Lord Lu Bu has ordered the army to move to Xiao Pei immediately.'

'Xiao Pei? Cao Cao's territory? Why now...and why so early aswell?' Mitsuko yawns loudly as she stretches her arms.

'Rumour has it Liu Bei has betrayed our lord, allying himself with Cao Cao and is now attempting to exact vengeance.' Wu Zi explains. They both hear a familiar chuckle behind them.

'We knew this was going to happen sooner or later, those two cannot co-exist, they walk two different paths...still to ally himself with Cao Cao of all people. He must really be desperate to get rid of our lord then.' Pang Tong hailed as he got closer to the two.

'Indeed, though his efforts will no doubt be met in failure once our armies clash.' Wu Zi responded.

'Of course, we can't let ourselves lose to Cao Cao again after Dingtao right?' Mitsuko chuckles to herself.

'Of course not. This time our forces will be victorious!' Wu Zi raises his sword high in the air as he announces this.

'Hehe while I admire the enthusiasm let's not underestimate our enemy. After all the enemy will have quite a few generals that won't be taken down easily.' Pang Tong warned him.

'But that's why I have you as my advisor, I'm sure you already have a strategy up your sleeves on how to deal with them.' Mitsuko replied.

'Hehe, I may have one or two but it would depend on our main strategist to see which one would be the most suitable to deploy. After all I would assume he would be the ones to choose where we our forces are in the battle line.' Pang Tong explains.

'But that's for another time, lets join our forces on the march shall we? I'm sure you don't want to be left behind my lady.'

'heh you're right I wouldn't want to miss this no matter what. Ok lets move.' Mitsuko smirks as she led the way to her forces with the other two following her.

After marching for two days they neared they setup the camp near the stronghold of Xiao Pei. The scouts they sent out in advance return to the camp and relay the information to Chen Gong who prepared a war council for the rest of the officers including Mitsuko to relay the plan of attack. There were two main attack paths for the army, one for a head on assault on the castle where a bulk of the army would also be along with a flanking force to strike from the right of the castle going through some mountainous terrain preventing a complete surround of the castle. However a path on the right side with defensible garrisons are present enabling the flanking force to infiltrate the castle and open the drawbridge which will more than likely be raised when the army approaches the castle.

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