Chapter 27

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The first ambush party almost made their way to their destination, marching through the forest before hearing Gyuki's victorious roar. They look back and tremble at the ferocity wondering what made that sound.

'Wh-what was that?'

'It sounded like a monster!'

Chatter started to run among the party as they started to tremble over the possibilities of what that was and what will happen to them. All of a sudden their leader silenced them.

'Hey quiet down! If we make too much of a ruckus they'll catch onto us. Besides we're well away from whatever that is, it won't come after us. Now come on we're almost at our destination.'

'Wh-what makes you so sure?' one his soldiers questions clearly still frightened. He looks back at him coldly.

'Call it a hunch, now lets get a move on.' He ordered. His soldiers turned silent and did what they were told however their fear was still very much within them. They were marching through the forest for a while and a lack of any confrontation made sure they calmed down at least a little bit. Unbeknownst to them however this forest had its own dangers they were not aware of. Up above in the branches Dodomeki lurked over the ambush party ready to strike at any moment, jumping very lightly from branch to branch. He smirks underneath his helmet as he made his first move. The furthest soldier behind them was lagging behind and after checking that no one was watching. Dodomeki quickly lifted the soldier up and covered his mouth to make him quiet as possible. He made a small muffled scream before being quickly silenced by striking the side of his neck.

'Huh? Hey guys...where's Ping?' One of the soldiers questions as he turns around to see no one else. The rest of the soldiers look behind to see nothing, no sign of him anywhere.

'Hey Ping, where are you?' One of the warriors yell which echo throughout the forest.

'Quiet! Do you want the enemy to know we're here!? Forget about him, he probably just deserted us like a coward. He'll suffer the consequences soon enough. Now lets move.' He orders. Soon after another warrior got abducted, this time he let out a gasp before being silenced. His bow slid down from his arm and lands on a bundle of leaves making a loud enough sound for the few members of the party close to him to look behind them. One investigates and finds his bow.

'Xue's disappeared!' He declares which even has the leader look back in shock.

'What?' he questioned as the rest of the party gathered together.

'I don't know where he went but I found his bow...we should probably turn back.'

'No chance!' The leader shot down that idea.

'We need to keep moving like our strategist ordered us to. If we let that monster live after this battle he'll be a thorn in our lords side for much longer.'


'But nothing! Look the faster we reach our destination, the faster we can leave this accursed forest.' Just then Dodomeki stretches his right arm and grabs a warrior by the back of his collar on his clothes and pulls him up high in the trees. Making his presence purposefully known. The soldier screamed as he got dragged up, getting the attention of the rest of the party.

'Everyone fire!' The leader orders. The band of warriors readied their bows and fire at the specific spot where he was abducted as quickly as they could. After a volley of arrows was released a body dropped to the ground. A few soldiers investigate the body however they start to tremble as they realise it was their own. They all start to tremble with fear, their legs shaky and their foreheads start to get drenched in sweat. Suddenly Dodomeki abducts another soldier up by his face. Making the rest of the soldiers start to flee anywhere they can as long as they're away from whatever that was.

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