Chapter 3

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Mitsuko rubbed her eyes as the sun rose up and its bright rays hit her eyes through the thin tent. She crawled out while holding her scythe and began stretching when she saw other the other men started to crawl out.

'Ahh good morning my lady did you manage to sleep well?' She heard a familiar voice behind her. She turned around to find Liu Bei.

'Well I slept well decently well but it doesn't compare to sleeping in a warm bed you know?' She replied as Liu Bei chuckles at her.

'Aha I know exactly what you mean my lady.'

They continued preparing the morning in their own way, Mitsuko kept to her own while Liu Bei helped the other peasant soldiers get ready. Half an hour later, the commander gives the order for these peasant soldiers to get ready for the march towards Yin Chuan not battering an eyelid for any one of them and simply exited his fortification with his guard, Mitsuko scoffs at him as soon as he leaves her sight.

'Goddamn why does he have to be our commander of all people? He annoys me so much.'

'It is true he might not be one of the most pleasant people to work under however it is our duty as soldiers of the Han to serve and protect the people in any way we can.' Liu Bei replied with a noble tone with a few men gathering around him and saying how benevolent and loyal he is to the Han. Mitsuko couldn't stand the sight and looked towards the exit of the small fort that the commander went through.

'I suppose, in any event we still have a fight to win don't we? Might aswell get going now otherwise we'll be too late.' She tells him while starting to walk while smirking.

'Quite right my lady, come my brothers we will help put an end to this rebellion.' His two sword brothers nod in agreement and so they started to march. Little did Mitsuko know that there were a couple of spectres watching her...evaluating her from higher ground making sure they were not spotted.

'Is that her?' A gruff voice asked.

'It does seem like it, she is the only one that seems out of place here.' A more refined voice answers.

'Ooh then what are we waiting for let's go join her then!'

'Not so fast, remember she needs to prove her strength before she's ready.'

'How will we know when that will happen then if it's not now?'

'It'll be made apparent when she's ready, we just need to keep an eye on her is all.'

'Oh but that might take a long time!' It whined.

'Oh shut up have some patience, you can't rush things like this however she seems to be developing well so far, time will tell if or when she's ready.'

The army was started their march to Yin Chuan, the commander and his guards were on horseback while the rest of the soldiers marching on foot, a few hours later they were nearing Yin Chuan when a couple of them started to have fear present in their eyes, some of them started to shake as they marched nearer and nearer to what they think will be their grave. One or two actually lost control of their legs and fell to the ground. Mitsuko and Liu Bei with his brothers stopped to help them while the commander ignores them and continues with the rest of them trailing behind him, still shaking.

'Oh i'm so sorry, you must think of me as pathetic and shameful. I just don't want to die.' One of the soldiers told them as he continues to shake and look down on the hard ground in shame, Liu Bei quickly comforted him.

'Do not worry it is natural for people to be afraid of dying on the battlefield it is nothing to be afraid. However everyone else knows how you feel and if we want make this land safe and prevent your children from feeling how you are right now we will need to fight this battle to achieve peace in this land, can you do that?'

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